Page 49 - Judge Manual 2017
P. 49
A document to competitors titled INFORMATION FROM THE PROTEST
COMMITTE TO COMPETITORS can list guidelines that will apply. It includes:
• Penalty Turns and Retirements
• Observers at Hearings
• Requests for Redress for Alleged Race Committee Error in Scoring a
Boat OCS, UFD or BFD
• Doping Control
• Video Evidence
• Protests
Standard documents that provide consistency at Events are posted on the
World Sailing web site ( It is advisable for the
reader to access this site regularly to obtain any new documents posted there.
H.4 Inspection of Boats
When boats are to be measured, or measurement checks made, nominated
protest committee members should watch the procedures if there is time to
have an understanding of the process if an issue arises later in the regatta.
In a series where crews switch boats during the regatta, the jury may wish to
inspect the boats for equality during the competition. However, jury members
should not replace the work of the boat inspection personnel.
H.5 Weighing of Competitors and Clothing
Crew weighing is becoming increasingly common throughout the sport when a
maximum total weight of a boat's crew is specified in the Class Rules and/or
Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions.
The boat owner's objective is to have a total crew weight at or near the optimum.
This can mean starving and exercising the crew before the weigh-in to be under
the maximum weight, then feeding them again for the races.
The best practice is a system where crews weigh in before the regatta and at
some stage during the regatta. At a high-level event, daily crew weigh ins for
all crew should be considered. At other events, sufficient weight ins should be
done to prevent the practice of starvation and binge eating.
Some class rules require random weighing of a set percentage of the crews
periodically through the regatta.
A typical sailing instruction would be 'the total weight of the boat's crew dressed
in a minimum of shorts and T-shirts shall not exceed 450 kilograms at the time
of weighing. Crews shall present themselves for weighing between [time] and
[time] on [date].'
The organizing authority must provide an accurate weighing machine (either a