Page 12 - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials
P. 12

Decisions from an international jury cannot be appealed (rule 70.5). Furthermore, in
                       certain rare situations defined in rule 70.5, the right of appeal may be denied – but
                       this will always be stated in the notice of race and sailing instructions.

               Q9.     What can you appeal about?

               A9.     You  cannot  appeal  directly  against  the  facts  found,  since  the  RYA  is  required  to
                       accept those facts – see rule 70.1(a). However, if the facts given are inadequate, the
                       RYA will take steps to obtain adequate facts – see rule R5. One type of ‘inadequate
                       fact’ that would lead the RYA to seek to get better facts is a fact found that appears
                       clearly  perverse  in  the  light  of  all  the  information  in  the  appeal.  However,  many
                       appeals  fail  because  they  are  in  effect  a  disagreement  between  the  views  of  the
                       appellant and the protest committee as to what happened.
                       You  can  certainly  appeal  against  the  conclusions  of  the  protest  committee.  The
                       appeal  form  asks  you  to  identify  the  racing  rule  or  the  sailing  instruction  (or  other
                       document governing the event) that you believe the protest committee misapplied.
                       You  can  appeal  against  the  procedures  of  the  protest  committee.  Normally,  an
                       appeal  on  procedural  issues  will  succeed  only  when  an  objection  to  defective
                       procedure was made at the original hearing. It is not a way of getting an otherwise
                       correct protest committee decision overturned on a technicality. A denial of the right
                       of  a  party  to  be  present  throughout  a  hearing  may  result  in  the  upholding  of  an
                       You can appeal if you are denied a hearing of your protest or request for redress
                       (rule 70.1(b)).
                       Normally,  the  outcome  of  a  successful  appeal  against  a  protest  committee’s
                       procedures will be the granting of a new hearing by the same or a different protest
                       committee, from whose decision all parties will retain the right to appeal. Likewise,
                       the outcome of a successful appeal against denial of a hearing will usually be the
                       granting of a hearing.

               Q10.   What should a protest committee do to reduce the risk of an appeal?

               A10.   It is most important that protest committees do not confuse finding facts with reaching
                       conclusions  when  completing  a  protest  form.  Without  a  fact,  there  cannot  be  a
                       conclusion. Writing clear, non-judgemental facts is a vital part of protest committee
                       procedure,  whether  or  not  there  is  any  prospect  of  an  appeal  or  a reference. The
                       facts found are a statement of what happened. They should provide a clear picture of
                       the  incident  that  could  be  readily  understood  when  read  by  someone  with  no
                       knowledge  of  the  incident  or  of  the  club  –  for  that  is  the  precise  position  of  the
                       members of the Racing Rules Committee who will hear any resulting appeal.

               Q11.   What should a protest committee do when an appeal is likely?

               A11.   It should ask itself whether it might have made a mistake, leading to the option to
                       reopen the hearing and forestall the appeal process. Informal advice can be sought
                       from RYA Racing.

                       While protest committee diagrams concerning incidents on the water are not needed
                       in  uncontested  decisions,  they  form  an  important  part  of  appeals,  and  a  protest
                       committee  aware  that  a  decision  may  be  appealed  should  promptly  prepare  a
                       diagram,  if  possible  adding  it  to  the  requested  written  decision.  Lack  of  such
                       diagrams at the outset is a major reason for delay in deciding appeals. The RYA will

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