Page 16 - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials
P. 16


       You must notify the RYA of your intention to appeal within 15 days from receipt of the written decision of the protest committee.
       You must complete this form and return it, enclosing as much of the required information as is available at the time, within 15 days from
       the date that the RYA was notified of the intention to appeal.
       Return this form to RYA Racing, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Hants SO31 4YA or by email to
       If the appeal is by a boat and you are not a personal member of the RYA, a cheque for £50, payable to the RYA, must be included.
       If there is insufficient space in any section of the form, or for other information you think relevant, use additional sheets as required.
       If you need more information on the appeal process, refer to rules 70, 71, Appendix R, the RYA Prescriptions and the RYA Guidance
       “Appeals and Requests for Confirmation or Correction” (go to, then follow the link to the appeals page).

       IMPORTANT DATES  (* if relevant)
       Date of race                          ……/……/……         Date you advised RYA of your intention to appeal   ……/……/……
       Date of protest or request for redress hearing  ……/……/……           Method:       post       phone      email
       Place of hearing                                                               RYA use only: date notice of intent received           ……/……/……
       Date of request to reopen hearing*    ……/……/……         Date you obtained this form                                     ……/……/……
       Date reopening took place/ was refused*   ……/……/……     Date you sent this form to the RYA                          ……/……/……
       Date decision in writing was requested*   ……/……/……             Method:       post      email
       Date decision in writing was received   ……/……/……       RYA use only: date appeal form received                ……/……/……

       TYPE OF APPEAL (tick the appropriate option and provide details)
       This is     an appeal by a boat      Name of boat                                          Sail No                               Class
                  an appeal by the race committee                 a request for confirmation or correction by a protest committee
              a request for interpretation of the rules by:      a Club       an organisation affiliated to the RYA

       Postal address                                                                                                                                                                    Post Code
       Tel (day)                                               Tel (evening)                                              Email address
       I am    owner of boat     person in charge of boat       I am    am not    a personal member of the RYA, Membership No
       I am acting for       race committee,       protest committee,       affiliated club,       affiliated organisation
       My position

       THE EVENT
       Name of organizing authority
       Address                                                                                                                                                                    Post Code
       Tel                                                       Email
       Name or description of event or race
       Class(es) racing                                                                       Date of Race                                           No. of starters

       Type of hearing    Boat v Boat Protest       Request for Redress      Protest by Race Committee       Protest by Protest Committee

       THE BOATS INVOLVED  Provide details of all boats that were parties to the hearing.
                                     Boat that protested or         Boat protested           Other boat protested
                                       requested redress
       Name of boat
       Class and sail number
       Name, postal address, email
       address and telephone no(s)
       of owner or person in charge *
       * You do not need to repeat these
       details if already given above.

       Chaired by
       Postal address                                                                                                                                                                    Post Code
       Tel (day)                                       Tel (evening)                                          Email address
       Names of other members of the protest committee
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21