Page 17 - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials
P. 17

GROUNDS FOR APPEAL (tick as applicable and provide details)
       The protest committee misapplied or did not apply       rule(s) no(s)     sailing instruction(s) no(s)
          other rule(s) that govern the event                                 a hearing required by rule 63.1 was denied
       If relevant, state any ISAF case or call, or RYA case or guidance, that you think may support your appeal

          As follows         and/or     Separate document(s) attached





       The originals of all documents should be sent if possible. If this is not possible, send a copy and state why the original is not available.
       Note:  the RYA will request the original of the protest form from the protest committee, but you should still send a copy if possible
       Document                                                      Document is     Document to     Document is
                                                                       enclosed       be sent as     not available
                                                                                        soon as

       A copy of the protest / request for redress form                                                   because

       The written decision of the protest committee, if this is separate from the                        because
       If applicable, and if not already on or with the form, a diagram prepared or                       because
       endorsed by the protest committee.

       The Notice of Race (or a handbook or programme which acts as a Notice                              because
       of Race)
       The Sailing Instructions, including any amendments                                                 because

       Other documents containing relevant conditions governing the event, or
       relevant information, listed as follows:*
       ………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                  because
       ………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                  because
       ………………………………………………………………………………………                                                                  because
       * List all that apply, these might include:
       the class rules, but only if they are relevant to the hearing and the appeal,
       any correspondence that has already occurred concerning the matter.

       SIGNATURE OF APPELLANT                                                                                       DATE
   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22