Page 14 - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials
P. 14

Q15.  If my appeal is not upheld, can I appeal to World Sailing?

               A15.   No. There is no mechanism for this.

               Q16.  If my appeal is upheld, can the protest committee or race committee decide not
                       to implement the appeal decision?

               A16.   No. See rule 71.4.

               Q17.  Can the right of appeal be denied?

               A17.  When a properly constituted International Jury has been appointed and the Jury or a
                       validly  appointed  panel  of  it  (see  RRS  Appendix  N)  have  decided  the  protest  or
                       request for redress, the right of appeal is always denied.

                       Rule 70.5 and the RYA prescription to it set out three other circumstances when the
                       right of appeal may be denied.  In all these circumstances, the denial of appeal must
                       be stated in both the notice of race and sailing instructions.
                       (1) The  most  common  circumstance  is  under  rule  70.5(a)  when  ’it  is  essential  to
                          determine promptly the result’.  For example, a national championship may have
                          an initial series of qualifying races leading to a second series with gold and silver
                          fleets.  It will be valid for the right of appeal to be denied under rule 70.5(a) in the
                          initial series, but not in the second (final) series.
                       (2) When approved by the RYA for a specific event.  The RYA prescription ensures
                          that such approval will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.  Note that
                          the cost of an International Jury is not a valid reason.
                       (3) In rare cases, when approved by the RYA after consultation with World Sailing.

               Q18.  What  happens  when  the  scores  from  one  event  are  used  in  part  to  score
                       another event?

               A18.  Aggregation of scores from one series into a longer series is a common occurrence
                       at many Clubs.  For example, a selection or trophy series may be an aggregation of
                       scores from the results from a number of independently organised open events.  If
                       the event organisers wish to deny the right of appeal in such a selection event or
                       series, perhaps because a team must be nominated before an appeal can be heard,
                       then it is essential that the denial of appeal is stated in the notice of race and sailing
                       instructions  for  all  the  underlying  open  or  other  primary  events  as  well  as  for  the
                       selection series itself.

               Q19.   Is there any other way to find out the rights and wrongs of a situation?

               A19.   Yes. The RYA offers a rapid-response Racing Rules Advisory Service, which is run
                       by members of the Racing Rules Committee. See the RYA website.

                       The Racing Rules Advisory Service may be able to help:-
                         A competitor or race committee with a rules query
                         A competitor considering whether to protest, request redress or ask for a
                          reopening *
                         A protest committee in receipt of a tricky protest or request for redress *
                         A competitor considering whether to appeal
                         A protest committee considering whether to refer its decision to the RYA

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