Page 25 - rr-2020-diversity-advertising-marketing-industry_Neat
P. 25


               The conversation also led to a Day of Courageous   Our Commitment to Racial Equity:
               Action, which was created with the intent that    While the issue of systemic racism runs deep and
               employees could make a positive change in their   wide, General Mills has committed to focus our
               community and further their allyship journey.     efforts in the United States where our expertise
               All General Mills employees were encouraged to    is most powerful:
               take part in a way that was meaningful to them,   1.  Equitable Food Access
               whether it be volunteering in their community,        We will direct our philanthropy to work locally
               donating to a nonprofit, or having courageous         and nationally with food banks and anti-hunger
               conversations with their friends and family.          organizations to address food insecurity
                                                                     that disproportionately affects communities
               Allyship                                              of color.
               Creating communities where every person is        2.  Equity in Education
               valued, where every life is valued, is the foundation   Box Tops will build on its legacy of giving
               of achieving this culture of belonging.               nearly $1 billion to schools, with a renewed
                                                                     focus on creating greater equity in education
               Allyship is a journey of authentically supporting     for kids of color so they can reach their full
               individuals and communities who have been             potential.
               marginalized or overlooked. We believe that to    3.  Equity in Representation
               ally is to take intentional action, like listening to,   We will address representation and access
               learning from, and uplifting those around you to      opportunities at General Mills by doubling
               ensure all voices are heard and respected.            the representation of our Black managers,
                                                                     increasing our minority representation to
               In 2019, General Mills created the REAL Allyship      25 percent, and doubling our spend with
               framework (Reflect, Empathize, Act, and Learn)        minority-owned suppliers.
               to help employees apply the principles of effective
               allyship all the time, no matter the situation.   We need to realize that the change needed is
                                                                 bigger than us, but that it’s our responsibility to
               While the framework and resources were            ask, “What can we do to help?” We need to invite
               originally created for General Mills internal use,    others to join us. That is why we joined and are
               we quickly realized that our external partners and   helping lead the Minnesota Corporate and
               peers could benefit from joining our journey.     Community Coalition.

               We’ve shared our proprietary resources publicly    Working with others, we can help take bold and
               on for all to Reflect,    leading actions to combat racism and social
               Empathize, Act, and Learn. In addition to the     inequity, and ensure our community is a place
               REAL framework, the public-facing allyship        where all can flourish.
               content includes interactive e-modules and
               a facilitated workshop where participants are
               given the opportunity to dive deep into topics
               of microaggressions and unconscious bias while
               working in small groups.

        25   //   A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry
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