Page 27 - rr-2020-diversity-advertising-marketing-industry_Neat
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               The World Needs More Diversity                    nine BRGs act as internal business consultants
               It’s clear that diversity representation remains    to provide consumer segmentation, research,
               a top issue in workplaces across the globe. At    cultural insights, and access to networks.
               Mastercard, we have taken huge steps toward
               increasing the diversity representation of our    Pay Equity: Equality is one of the foundational
               workforce across borders, cultures, and languages.    cores of our commitment to building an inclusive,
               These programs are the cornerstones of our        high-performing culture at the company, so we
               culture and how we strive to provide equal        remain dedicated to practices designed to ensure
               opportunities at all levels of our business.      there is equal pay for equal work.

               Recruitment: Mastercard partners with leading     The Way We Operate
               business organizations, universities, and events    We believe that creating a culture of diversity
               to seek out exceptional recruits and encourage    and inclusiveness takes more than a verbal
               them to join Mastercard. One of our objectives is   commitment. It takes action. Our Global Inclusion
               to have diverse candidate slates for all positions.  and Diversity team is an important division at
                                                                 Mastercard, with a focus on creating meaningful
               Return to Work Program: Our global return         connections that inspire acceptance and cultivate
               to work program gives experienced mid-career      a culture of belonging.
               professionals an opportunity to re-enter the
               workplace. For these returners, we provide        Our commitment to inclusion and diversity spans
               experience, tools, and support to ease their      beyond the borders of our business. We are deeply
               path back to working life.                        committed to supplier diversity. This helps us pro-
                                                                 vide diverse and small businesses with the oppor-
               Career Development: We provide resources and      tunity to participate in our procurement activities.
               tools to help our employees broaden their skills,   We also expect that our suppliers share our core
               gain new experiences, create opportunities for    diversity and inclusion values and further promote
               themselves, and support their goals to increase   the same culture within their own organizations.
               the diversity representation in our succession
               planning and talent pipeline.                     We have pledged $500 million over the next five
                                                                 years to help close the racial wealth and opportunity
               Women Who Lead: We provide women with the         gap for Black communities as we strive to build an
               skills needed to advance their career goals at    economy that works hard for everyone, everywhere.
               Mastercard. This includes workshops, career       This includes ideas that expand city programs to
               planning, and formal discussions identifying any   support Black communities and ways to provide
               gender equality gaps at our senior management     affordable financial tools and services, and offer
               levels. In fact, our Integrated Marketing and Com-  capital and resources, for Black-owned businesses.
               munications leadership team itself is 70 percent
               female at its upper management levels.            We continue to work toward our goal of connecting
                                                                 1 billion people to the digital economy by 2025.
               Business Resource Groups: More than half of       This has been particularly highlighted as a global
               Mastercard employees are a part of a Business     need due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which sees
               Resource Group (BRG), self-governed groups that   a disproportionate amount of people in vulnerable
               are comprised of individuals who come together    populations become further negatively impacted
               based on similar interests or experiences. Our    by not being connected to what’s needed.

        27   //   A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry
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