Page 30 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
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tHE FINAL uSmC AV-8b HARRIER DEmOS                                  By Owen Hewitt

                                Major Eric Scheibe hovers the AV-8B Harrier II for the crowds at the 2024 MCAS Cherry Point Air Show, the
                                site of the final Harrier flight demonstrations (photo by Owen Hewitt).

              THE LAST HOVER

                   uring the weekend of May 11-12, over 120,000 peo-  in South Carolina first introduced the type. The following year,
                   ple gathered at the MCAS Cherry Point Air Show in   VMA-542, also based at MCAS Beaufort, added a second squad-
                   Havelock, North Carolina to witness the end of an era   ron of AV-8A Harriers. In 1974, VMA-542 was moved to MCAS
         D – the final performances of the USMC AV-8B Harrier    Cherry Point, where it remains today, now operating as VMFA-
                   II in front an airshow crowd.                 542. MCAS Cherry Point has been a crucial part of the story of
                The history of the Harrier “Jump Jet” dates to the late   the Harrier with the Marines ever since.
             1960s when the British Aerospace Harrier GR.1 Short Take-  In the past forty-plus years, USMC Harriers have support-
             Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) conducted its first flight   ed a significant list of operations around the world and con-
             in December of 1967. The British-designed craft was revo-  tinue the fight to this day. Examples include Operation Desert
             lutionary for the era and continues to influence aircraft de-  Storm, Operation Allied Force, Operation Enduring Freedom,
             sign to this day. The Harrier attracted the interest of the U.S.   Operation Iraqi Freedom, and currently with Operation
             Marine Corps (USMC) because of its unique ability to land   Prosperity Guardian. To keep the tip of the spear sharp, the
             and take off vertically like a helicopter. This enabled it to op-  VMA-223 “Bulldogs” also participated in Alaska Red Flag.
             erate from unimproved airfields and roads near the front
             lines, or from small deck amphibious assault ships, allowing   A tImE OF tRANSItION
             a quick response in the close air support of ground forces.   As one enters the main gate for MCAS Cherry Point, you are
               The  earliest  version,  the  Harrier  AV-8A,  was  acquired   greeted by a sign that proudly states “Pardon our noise. It is the
             by the USMC in 1971 when VMA-513 at MCAS Beaufort   sound of freedom!” That noise, often marked by the characteristic

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