Page 34 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 34

SYWELL SAtISFACtION     Report and photography by Brad and Randall Haskin

                               The U.K.’s Sywell Airshow

                                                                             Danielle Del Buono, of the 46 Aviation Wing Walking team
                                                                             from Sion, Switzerland, dangles from the wing of the
                                                                             Super Stearman flown by husband Emiliano.

         b       ritish airshows are just, well…different. There is an   boasts a century’s worth of British aviation history. Privately-
                                                                   Set dead center in the middle of England, Sywell Aerodrome
                 attitude, a feeling, that is vastly foreign to American
                                                                 owned since 1927, it has hosted numerous flying clubs and com-
                 audiences. British warbird airshows ratchet that differ-
                 ence a few notches higher – venues with beautiful grass
                                                                 Air Force (RAF) training base as well as a modification site for
                 fields and runways, surrounding topography straight   petitions. During World War II, Sywell was utilized as a Royal
          out of a 1944 newsreel, a real-world history about them, and just   Wellington and Lancaster bombers. In 1968 it was one of the
          an otherwise-unexplainable panache.                    filming sites for the movie Battle of Britain.
            Unlike the majority of their North American counterparts,   For several decades now, the aerodrome has been under the
          these shows take on a slower, more homogeneous pace, with   care of M. H. Bletsoe-Brown, on whose grandfather’s farm the
          grouped formations of aircraft performances seamlessly over-  airfield grounds sit. But more recently, it has served as base for
          lapping and transitioning to the next act on the program. With   Grace’s warbird and restoration operations. While offering a
          but a few exceptions, there is no loud music blaring over the   smaller footprint than some of the more traditional UK venues,
          speakers…just the dulcet-tones of British-accented narration   it also offered a very intimate setting for the show which took
          and echoing sounds of old piston-powered warriors cavorting   place June 22-23.
          about the sky.                                           Though admittedly heavily top-loaded with World War II air-
            A noticeable fissure in the British airshow and warbird calen-  craft, the Sywell program featured a wing-walking demonstra-
          dar has developed with the demise of the long-standing Flying   tion by the Swiss 46 Aviation act, aerobatic performances from
          Legends airshow at Duxford. For multiple reasons, the show that   Steve Jones and Melanie Astles, a USAF F-35A Heritage Flight
          laid the blueprint for such warbird extravaganzas now appears   from nearby RAF Lakenheath, a daily fly-by of the Oil Spill Re-
          to be confined to the annals of airshow history. Into that void,   sponse dispersal-equipped Boeing 727, and a jaw-droppingly fun
          however, has ventured Richard Grace, owner/operator of Sywell-  demonstration of replica German fighters from The Great War,
          based Ultimate Warbird Flights and Air Leasing, Ltd, and the   courtesy of Mikael Carlson out of Sweden. Saturday’s schedule
          son of pioneering British warbird enthusiasts, the late Nick and   included late-afternoon (not quite dusk) showcases of the P-51D,
          Carolyn Grace.                                         Tiger Moth, and Mk. V Spitfire.
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