Page 32 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 32


                 Right: Lt. Col. Paul Truog flew the last ever
               Harrier demo on Sunday at MCAS Cherry Point
                          (photo by Jon Houghtaling).
               Below: Major Eric Scheibe’s photo pass during
                Saturday’s big show at Cherry Point (photo by
                                  Owen Hewitt).

          howl of the Harrier’s Pegasus engine, is
          now in a state of transition.
            The USMC is currently transitioning
          from  the  AV-8B  Harrier  II  to  the  Fifth
          Generation Lockheed Martin F-35B
          Lighting II. Since 2020, the Marines have
          been activating F-35B squadrons and de-
          activating Harrier squadrons. The tran-  sense of sadness among the crowd know-  “As I taxied back from the demo, see-
          sition from the AV-8B to the F-35B has   ing it was ending its flying demonstration   ing the response from the crowd, it re-
          already been completed for the VMFA-  career. As the jets taxied past after their   ally brought home how much the aircraft
          542 “Tigers”.                       respective solo performances, the crowd   has meant to Eastern Carolina,” said Maj.
            The Marines are now down to only   was audibly and visibly excited to be pres-  Scheibe on what it was like witnessing the
          three squadrons actively flying the AV-  ent for such a moment in history.  crowds after the demonstration. “I love
          8B: Marine Attack Squadron VMA-223     On both days, airshow spectators wit-  to fly the jet, but it would not be possible
          “Bulldogs”, Marine Attack Squadron   nessed the Harrier’s characteristic flight   without hundreds of others’ work from
          VMA-231 “Ace of Spades” (both based at   profile including Vertical/Short-Take Off   the community. I wish that all of them
          MCAS Cherry Point), and Air Test and   and  Landing (VSTOL)  operations,  high   could be out there and have their pictures
          Evaluation Squadron VX-31 (based at   speed passes simulating close air support,   taken with the jet.”
          NAWS China Lake, California). Currently   and a steeply banked photo pass. Airshow   Many of those hundreds did join the
          operations are expected to sundown for   organizers not only featured the Harrier’s   crowd those two days. They also joined in
          all operators by 2026.              popular solo performance, but also in-  the applause, shouts, whistles, and waves
            With only two operational Harrier   corporated the AV-8B into the dynam-  toward the demonstration pilots.
          squadrons remaining, and the transi-  ic and explosive MAGTF (Marine Air   While  it  was  the  final  airshow  hover
          tion to the F-35B continuing, the 2024   Ground Task Force) demonstration, with   for the Harrier, the pines in the region
          MCAS Cherry Point Air Show would be-  Sunday’s demo featuring two Harriers   will continue to echo with the sounds of
          come the site of the final Harrier airshow   from VMA-231.               the Harrier until 2026 when VMA-223 is
          performances.                          The solo performances were flown   expected to become VMFA-223 and tran-
                                              by two tenured pilots from VMA-      sition to the F-35B. That sign at the front
          tHE FINAL DEmOS                     231.  Saturday’s performance had Major   of the base is there to stay, however, as the
            This year’s MCAS Cherry Point Air   Eric Scheibe on the stick, a pilot with   F-35B can hover as well, and it is every
          Show had a stunning Saturday attendance   over 1,800 hours in the AV-8B. Sunday’s   bit as loud as the Harrier. The Lightning
          of more than 80,000 patrons and just over   performance featured the Commanding   II will continue to produce the sound of
          120,000 for the two-day event. Because of   Officer of VMA-231, Lt. Colonel Paul   freedom in Eastern North Carolina!
          the long and successful residence of the   Truog, with over 2,000 hours flying the
          Harrier in Havelock, there was a genuine   Harrier.

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