Page 36 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 36


            The meat of the program,  however, centered on the thirty-  showed their mercy by blessing Sywell with warm temperatures
          plus vintage and warbird aircraft present – Mustangs, Spitfires,   and white puffy cloud-infused blue skies all weekend. Almost as
          Hurricanes, and Corsairs, plus other fighters and multi-engine   if on cue, during the fabled “Golden-Hour” late Sunday after-
          bombers, both Axis and Allied. The aircraft came courtesy of The   noon, the clouds parted directly over the aerodrome for a special
          Fighter Collection, Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar, the Flying Bulls,   performance by the RAF Red Arrows 60th Anniversary tour to
          Fighter Aviation Engineering, Thomas Castle Heritage Collec-  close out the show. It was a fitting salute to everyone who went
          tion, and numerous private owners from across the UK and Eu-  above and beyond to make the 2024 show happen.
          ropean continent. Every participant had a story to tell, and for   We certainly hope that the show was a viable success in the
          four solid hours Saturday and Sunday, virtually non-stop action   eyes of the hosts. Steady and enthusiastic crowds, good food, re-
          told those stories and ruled the skies over Northamptonshire.  enactors, vintage race vehicles, static aircraft displays, and ample
            One feature that made the event enjoyable was having sever-  amenities were evident all around. With a few tweaks here and
          al of the show pilots joining the announcers on the microphone   there, the  Sywell event could quickly become among the pre-
          over the course of the day, giving first-hand narrative of what it is   mier vintage experiences on the far-side of the pond – certainly
          like to sit in the cockpit of these rare aircraft. It added a personal   worthy of a return trip, and highly recommended for all of our
          touch to what was going on, spread out in front of the crowd.  North American readers. All-in-all, it was a thoroughly satisfy-
            After a miserably wet and dreary spring, the airshow gods   ing experience.

                                                                                                 Three of the four Mustangs
                                                                                                 present at the show,
                                                                                                 “Jersey Jerk” (lead), “Miss
                                                                                                 Helen” (bottom), and
                                                                                                 “Nooky Booky IV” (top) as
                                                                                                 part of the salute to the
                                                                                                 U.S. Eighth Air Force.

            A Rolls Royce Symphony!
          One of the highlights of the
            Sywell 2024 show was a
            daily formation and tail-
           chase of nine Supermarine

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