Page 38 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 38

tHE ROYAL INtERNAtIONAL AIR tAttOO                                   Report and photography by Norman A. Graf

                                     It’s a RIAT

         T    he mission of the Royal Air Force (RAF) Charitable Trust   was the Viper Line, a static display of F-16s, many sporting special

              is to promote the RAF and inspire young people and RAF
                                                                  Also celebrating their 50th anniversary were the BAe Hawk and
              personnel to fulfill their potential in air, space, and tech-
              nology. It does so primarily through the annual Royal In-
                                                               Red Arrows, RAF Flying Training School, Qatar Emiri Air Force,
         ternational Air Tattoo (RIAT), held this year at RAF Fairford in   the Panavia Tornado. In commemoration, Hawks from the RAF
         Gloucestershire, England, July 19-21.                 Finnish Air Force, and the Royal Saudi Air Force Saudi Hawks
           Since its founding more than fifty years ago, RIAT has become   flew past in formation. Both the Italian and German Air Forces
         the world’s largest military airshow. This year’s sellout crowd of   sent specially marked Tornados to mark that aircraft’s milestone.
         150,000 spectators was able to view more than 250 aircraft un-  The Red Arrows and the Swiss Air Force’s Patrouille Suisse cel-
         der surprisingly pleasant weather conditions. The twenty hours   ebrated their 60th anniversaries with a joint flyby. This might be
         of flying displays over the three-day weekend were augmented   the Patrouille’s last year flying their iconic F-5 Freedom Fighters.
         by two days of arrivals and Monday’s departure day.   Other military display teams on hand were the Finnish Air Force
           RIAT marked the 75th Anniversary of NATO with a series   Midnight Hawks, Norwegian Air Force Yellow Sparrows, Royal
         of formation flybys that showcased various aircraft types from   Jordanian Falcons, Saudi Hawks, and Royal Navy Black Cats
         many of the 28-member state air forces. The appearance of four   The Royal Canadian Air Force celebrated its centennial by
         McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II jets (two each from the   bringing their CF-18 Hornet Demo Team’s full display, flying the
         Greek and Turkish Air Forces) was one of the highlights.  Hornet in formation with the Red Arrows, and a CF-18 Heritage
           RIAT’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the F-16 Fight-  Flight with the Spitfire Mk Vb “City of Winnipeg.” A wide variety
         ing Falcon featured a number of F-16 flying demonstrations,   of RCAF aircraft, both modern and vintage, were on static display.
         most notably that of the Royal Danish Air Force and the Turkish   RIAT 2024 was more than just historic anniversaries. The show
         Air Force’s SoloTurk flight demonstration. Another highlight   also saw the debut of the RAF’s Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning

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