Page 42 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 42

AIRSHOW IN tHE LAND OF tHE mIDNIGHt SuN Report and photography by Audrey Lee

                                                                         The JBER Arctic

                                                           Thunder Open House

       I  n the land of the midnight sun, Joint-Base   capabilities. The PACAF C-17 demo flew
                                              an Anchorage-based Globemaster III,
          Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER)  hosted
          their bi-annual Arctic Thunder Open
          House on July 20-21. On this northern   and executed sharp turns and agile ma-
                                              neuvers, a bizarre sight for such a large
          Anchorage air base, where the sun hung   aircraft. The PACAF F-16 Viper Demo
          in the sky for eighteen hours every day,   Team flew a local Alaskan Aggressor from
          aerial performers from around the globe   Eielson Air Force Base, with iconic black
          demonstrated their capabilities, while lo-  and white splinter paint. The PACAF F-16
          cal squadrons put on their best show to   team is based at Misawa AFB in Japan and
          share their missions with the public. This   almost exclusively performs outside of
          Open House was an opportunity to show-  the continental United States.
          case the mission and capabilities of the   “We’re doing shows all over the world,
          Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), demonstrate   but  it’s  great  getting  back  to  our  home
          the capabilities of the Joint-Force, and ed-  roots and getting a taste of America
          ucate the local community.          again,” said pilot and team commander
            The civilian performers in attendance   Capt. Ethan “Bantam” Smith about the
          this year included aerobatic performer   team’s excitement at returning to the
          Melissa Burns, Stephen Christopher and   United States for Arctic Thunder. “It’s a
          Todd Rudberg of Undaunted Air Shows,   fourth-generation fighter…it’s important
          and Greg Coyler’s  AceMaker T-33. All   to show that this thing is still operation-
          three civilian performers traveled from   al, still capable, and ready to take on any
          the Lower 48 to showcase their aerobat-  challenge that faces us today.”
          ic skills and passion for aviation. Many   The  F-22  Raptor  is  one  of  the  air-
          Alaskans share that passion, as aircraft are   craft types based at JBER, so the airshow
          one of the most popular modes of trans-  wouldn’t be complete without the Air
          portation in the state.             Combat Command F-22 Demonstration    Top: The USAF Thunderbirds headlined the airshow.
            The show featured the USAF Thun-  Team flying an Alaskan Raptor. Pilot and   Here they perform the Echelon Pass in Review.
          derbirds, and a variety of military perfor-  team commander Capt. Sam “RaZZ” Lar-
          mances dominated the schedule, includ-  son commented on what it was like using   Above: PACAF F-16 Viper Demo Team pilot and team
          ing Pacific Air Forces teams that provided   one of these advanced Arctic warfighters.   commander Capt. Ethan “Bantam” Smith.
          an exclusive look into their missions and   “These Alaska jets are upgraded with the

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