Page 43 - World Airshow News Q3 2024
P. 43

Report and photography by Audrey Lee

       latest and greatest technology,” he said.   a medical evacuation demo. The demon-  integral  role  in  protecting  the  Pacific
       “I’m getting to see it for the first time,   stration featured the battle management   with our international partners is one of
       which has been great.”              role of Alaska’s AWACS team, an aerial re-  the many reasons why the JBER Open
         The Raptor plays a crucial role in the   fuel with a C-130, and a few dozen para-  House is a must-see for Alaska’s mission
       defense of the Arctic Front. Alaska F-  chute jumpers from the Anchorage C-17.   stakeholders.
       22s respond to interceptions with enemy   The announcers described an in-depth   JBER’s Arctic Thunder Open House
       forces, train in the Alaskan mountains   wartime scenario where the Joint-Force   is the second-largest event in the state
       every day, and are well-maintained to en-  seamlessly worked together to ward off   of Alaska, with a recorded attendance of
       sure maximum readiness. “The F-22 pro-  the enemy forces from the air and from   over 260,000. Attendees from Seward to
       vides the air dominance role,” continued   the ground. The airshow hosts empha-  Denali made the trek to Anchorage and
       Capt. Larson about how the Raptor im-  sized that this performance was the larg-  enjoyed local flavors of fresh Halibut and
       pacts the PACAF mission. “Especially in   est combat arms demonstration in North   Alaskan brews. People of all ages and
       this theater, it’s very important to have a   America.                   backgrounds soaked up the summer sun
       capable air-to-air fighter. We provide that   Alaska’s international partners also   and witnessed firsthand what happens at
       air dominance capability, and we’re ready   joined in, sharing their capabilities and   the base.
       at a moment’s notice.”              air dominance. German Panavia Torna-   “The  reputation  for  community  sup-
         JBER  is  a  joint  base,  meaning  both   dos, which were attending exercise Arctic   port in Alaska is first among equals,” said
       Army and Air Force troops call this sta-  Defender the week before, stayed for the   Major General Joe Hilbert, command-
       tion home. Army squadrons based at   Open House and flew a special aerobatic   er of the 11th Airborne Division. “It’s
       JBER, and attached to Alaskan Com-  demonstration. This was an exciting fea-  known that if you are stationed in Alaska,
       mand (ALCOM), showcased their skills,   ture, as only three countries in the world   the communities outside the base are in-
       and the U.S. Army Parachute Team, the   still fly the Tornado. Even within Ger-  credibly supportive of the soldiers, air-
       Golden Knights, wowed the crowd below.  many, only two squadrons still utilize this   men, sailors, and their families.”
         Another  impressive demonstration   aircraft for missions.               Every day, fighter jets, cargo planes,
       was the Joint Force Demonstration, fea-  The Joint Pacific Alaska Range Com-  and helicopters buzz the Alaskan sky. The
       turing squadrons from both the Army   plex draws air forces worldwide for air-  base  continues  operations and protects
       and Air Force sides of the base. Eielson   to-air and air-to-ground exercises. Ger-  the homeland during the long winter
       AFB F-35s and F-16s acted as the enemy,   many’s involvement with Arctic Defend-  months and invites the public to engage
       while F-22s and C-17s from JBER coor-  er 2024, along with France and Spain,   with the mission in the summer. General
       dinated a defensive air-to-air combat sce-  ensures maximum collaboration with   Hilbert concludes, “It’s a great opportuni-
       nario. The Army also brought their best   Alaska’s forces, and helps protect the In-  ty to highlight what our soldiers are doing
       tanks and helicopters, complete with   do-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM)    on a daily basis, and to see what’s behind
       troops, a firefight, pyrotechnics, and even   region. Raising awareness about JBER’s   that great big fence.”

                                                                                             Left most: F-22 Raptor
                                                                                             demonstration pilot Capt. Sam
                                                                                             “RaZZ” Larson rains flares on
                                                                                             Joint-Base Elmendorf-Richardson
                                                                                             during his demo flight.
                                                                                             Top left: The PACAF F-16 Viper
                                                                                             Demo Team flew a local Alaskan
                                                                                             Aggressor from Eielson Air Force
                                                                                             Base, with iconic black and white
                                                                                             splinter paint.

                                                                                             Bottom left: German Panavia
                                                                                             Tornados, attending exercise
                                                                                             Arctic Defender the week before,
                                                                                             stayed for the Open House
                                                                                             and flew a special aerobatic

                                             World Airshow News   43  Quarter 3, 2024
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