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October 2018
Please be in prayer for the following Sorors Chapter Programs and Committees:
and their families: Soror Cherise Story, Anti-Basileus
•Soror Wanda Pierce for loss of her Mom.
•Soror Lottie Harrell-Perry for the loss of her Sister & Nephew 832-647-1017
•Soror Mildred Bright for the Iloss of her Brother.. Change of Address, email, or not
•Soror Mamie Dell Terry for the loss of her Husband.
receiving “The Jewel”
• Soror LaShonda Willis for the loss of her Brother.
Soror Brenda Morris Davis, Epistoleus
• Soror Clara Dotson for the loss of her Husband.
• Soror Joan Hampton’s Sister’s illness.
• The Family of Soror Andrea Ross Branch. 832-567-2200
•Soror Catherine Blackwell-Garner for her loss.
Dues, Reactivation, Transfers, Golden/Silver/Life Member
•Soror Faye B. Bryant’s recovery from her hospital stay.
Soror Tishauna Washington, Pecunious Grammateus
•Soror Brenda M. Davis for her surgery and recovery.
• Soror Wanda Pierce for the beautiful Ivy Plant & the Alzheimer’s Donation
Tickets/Invitations to Chapter Events-Ticketron:
• Soror Lottie Harrell-Perry for the beautiful pole Ivy Plant
Soror Paulette Frederick, Chairman
•Soror Cynae Parker for the generosity shown at her wedding
•Soror Brenda Morris Davis for the beautiful Ivy Plant for her surgery
•Soror Lori Davenport for the Ivy Plant for her loss of Aunt Soror C. Williams 713-254-7061
•Soror Mildred Bright for the Ivy Plant for her loss of Brother Death of a Soror or someone in a Soror’s immediate family
•Soror Catherine Blackwell-Garner for the lovely plant
and/or Information to be Published in “The Jewel”
•Soror Nikita Harmon for the Beautiful Ivy Plant.
Soror Marsha Penn, Basileus
Soror Mary Smith Johnson, Hodegos
Alpha Kappa Omega “Bling” Chapter T-Shirt Minutes of Chapter Meeting
Regular or Fitted
Prices: Soror Pippa Brown –Andrews
$18.00 for S, M, L, XL
$21.00 for 2X, 3X
Ordering T-shirt can be done by:
mail a check or money order to 713-299-8905
the Pecunious Grammateus, Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Standard Procedures
Soror Tishauna Washington
14426 Obra Lane and Chapter Bylaws
Houston, TX 77045 Soror Karen Y. Grays, Parliamentarian
Or on-line payment on Chapter’s website
Home Page
A special Thank you to the members of the Chapter Newsletter Team
Seeking Super Special Sorors of Sorors Tywanna Glapion, Faye L. Gray, Demetria Williams, &
Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter Vaniecia Williams.
Are you ready to lead and help us succeed? Contributors are Alpha Kappa Omega chapter, Sorors
Service in your heart, willing to do your part?
Leader, Team Player and Sisterly to all? Veronique Williams, Kim Topps, Lisa Brooks, Donna Miles,
The Nominating Committee wants you to call! Krystle Simpson
Bylaws state that candidates must have a minimum of 3 consecutive Submitted by Epistoleus—Soror Brenda Morris Davis
years (36 months) prior to January 1 of the year in which the term of
office shall begin. For more information about positions available, to run,
and/or to nominate a Soror(s), please call Soror Laura R. Allen @ 713-
582-6021 or email
In Memory of Soror Jewel McFarlin Thomas Page 7