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Viterra Customer

       Survey                                                                        Did You Know?

                                                                                        It takes 12 positive
       We recently sent a survey to thousands of                                        experiences to make
       customers in our asset network to gain a                                         up for one unresolved
       better understanding of what we’re doing                                         negative experience.
       well and where need to improve when                                              News of bad customer
       it comes to our service and the value we                                         service reaches more
       add to them. The focus of the questions                                          than twice as many ears
       was partially based on discussions at the                                        as praise for a good
       May sales meetings.                                                              service experience.
       We asked customers to tell us about                                              For every customer
       the factors that they look at when doing                                         who bothers to
       business with a grain company, and had                                           complain, 26 other
       them rate Viterra on key areas of our                                            customers remain
       business, including contracts, online                                            silent.
       services, facilities, time management
       and relationships. Overall, we received                                          A customer is 4 times
       some very positive feedback, but there                                           more likely to buy
       are areas for improvement that were                                              from a competitor if
       identified. The final results are being   Bruce Hogg (right) who farms in the Trochu   the problem is service
       compiled, and will help us determine   area was the winner of our survey contest.   related vs. price
       where to most effectively target our future  Randall Friesen recently presented him a new   or product related.
       efforts to ensure that we’re offering the   iPad, and also brought supper for Bruce’s
       best possible service to our customers.  family and harvest crew.


       Summer Games

       The 50th edition of the Canada Summer
       Games took place in Winnipeg July 28
       – August 13. Featuring 16 sports and
       over 250 events, the Games welcomed
       over 4,000 athletes and coaches and
       more than 20,000 visitors. One of those
       athletes was Jared McCorrister, whose
       dad Sean is our Assistant Operations
       Manager at our Boissevain facility.
       Jared played third base and catcher
       for Team Manitoba, after being chosen
       through a long selection process
       that began in May, 2015 with over
       90 players. After multiple workouts   allowing nine. After defeating Alberta   Jared McCorrister of Team Manitoba.
       and tournaments, the final roster was   1-0 in the semi-finals, Jared and his
       selected in June.                    team advanced to the gold medal game
       Team Manitoba performed very well,   against Team Saskatchewan where
       winning all five of their round-robin   unfortunately they were defeated 3-1
       games, scoring 34 runs and only      in a very close game.

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