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Five Minutes With

       RILEY SKARDAL                        What are some of your responsibilities?  of personal growth opportunities. I also
                                            Some of my main responsibilities are to   enjoy reaching out to other staff in
                                            ensure things run as smooth as possible   areas that are vastly different from our
                                            for the facility and that we are hitting our   operation to gauge what is going on in
                                            target numbers.                       the ag world.
                                            What work accomplishment are          What do you like to do in your spare time?
                                            you most proud of?                    I’m not really sure what spare time is
                                            I would say the accomplishment that   anymore, I have a daughter who is a
                                            I’m most proud of here in Ray is our   freshman at Williston High School and a
                                            commitment on safety. This facility and   member of their swim team, this means
                                            our team have worked hard over the last   that just about every weekend from
                                            few years and this hard work has been   middle of August through November is
                                            proven by back to back 100% scores on   spent traveling throughout North Dakota
       What is your role with Viterra and how   our external food safety audit, a score   to support her. Our youngest child is
       long have you been part of the team?  of 100% on our internal Food Safety &   entering his fifth year of wrestling,
                                                                                  so that takes up most weekends from
       My current role with Viterra is Facility   Quality Systems and most recently a   December through June attending
       Manger at Ray Pulse. I also represent   score of 93% on our triannual EH&S audit.  tournaments and then on to baseball.
       Viterra USA on four national committees   What do you like best about working   I spend a good chunk of my spare time
       with the US Pea & Lentil Trade       at Viterra?                           driving to support my kids’ activities and
       Association. I have been here in Ray   Overall, I like the size of Viterra. The size   thoroughly enjoy it!
       for a little over 5 years and with Viterra   of our company lends itself to plenty
       for 10 years.

       RILEY SCHAEFER                       receiving, shipping, staffing, and overall   been the best. Everyone that I’ve worked
                                                                                  with is very knowledgeable in their areas
                                            inventory control. I play a large role in
                                            helping the Viterra team, both operations  and positions.
                                            and merchandising, understand the     What do you like to do in your spare time?
                                            functionality of the elevator and what
                                            areas that can be improved on and made   I like to spend as much time as possible
                                            more functional or efficient. I spend time   being active outdoors. During the warm
                                            working with engineers, contractors   months, I enjoy my days off on the
                                            and the operations group in completing   water, kayaking, slalom skiing, and wake
                                            projects at the facility and planning   surfing. My free time in the fall consists
                                            upgrades for more efficient storage and   of upland game and waterfowl hunting.
                                            loading options.                      During the other parts of the year I try to
       What is your role with Viterra and how                                     travel and visit friends that have spread
       long have you been part of the team?  What work accomplishment are you     across the country since graduation.
                                            most proud of?
       I am currently Facility Operations
       Manager at the newly acquired terminal   The proudest moment so far has been   HAS ONE OF YOUR FELLOW
       in Grand Forks, North Dakota. I have   successfully loading the first combo unit   EMPLOYEES ACCOMPLISHED
       been a part of the Viterra team since May,   shuttle as Viterra USA with the majority   SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT
       2017 and have been in the grain industry   of the crew being freshly hired.   AT YOUR WORKPLACE
       since graduating from North Dakota State  What do you like best about working at   OR IN YOUR COMMUNITY?
       University in 2012.                  Viterra?
                                                                                    Contact viterra.communications@
       What are some of your responsibilities?  There are quite a few things that make and share your story and
       I am responsible for the day-to-day   working at Viterra enjoyable, but support   we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.
       operations of the facility, including   from the operations group has probably

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