Page 18 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 18

Antoine Charpentieri                  Mustafa Diba                          Robert Tolast
                                                                                the other and to transmit the
        Writer and political analyst        the Islamic religion as a subject
        Antoine Charpentieri / France:      of research, we will see how        honourable image of Islam. It
                                                                                is not necessary to publish in
        Religious newspapers and            a distorted view of Islam has       Arabic. Foreign languages give a
        magazines seeking reform,           become widespread since the
        openness and non-fanaticism         events of September 11 and is       large number of people access
                                                                                to the correct religious thought
        are of great importance in these    seen as an enemy in the eyes of     of Islam, which may help address
        difficult times. The distorted      many in the Western world.
        version of Islam by some            However, all insiders know and      the rift, and bridge the gap
                                                                                between Islam and the West,
        interest groups has become a        affirm that Islam has nothing to    which has a false and negative
        mainstream doctrine by many.        do with these deviant, extremist    view on Islam.
        These days, religious ideas,        and radical ideas, hence the        Finally, the work of the moderate
        especially the West, have begun     importance for publications that    religious press has several
        to return strongly to the political   are concerned with spreading      dimensions, including raising
        and economic scene, with the        moderate thought. I believe that    awareness of the world public
        support of those powers that        the main responsibility lies with   opinion as well as being a kind
        want to dominate the world.         the heads of media organizations    of civilizational resistance in the
        The role of reformers and those     and editorial departments in        face of the extremist, savage,
        with good will lies in working to   magazines and newspapers            and abominable thoughts in
        acquaint others with the true       in order to spread the culture      the world, whether they be
        teachings of Islam. If we take      of coexistence and respect for
                                                                                emanating from Muslims,
                                                                                Christians or Jews.

                                                                                   Media in foreign

                                                                                languages may help
                                                                                   address the rift,

                                                                                 and bridge the gap
                                                                                 between Islam and

                                                                                        the West.

          18 Hussein Revivalism
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