Page 13 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 13


         Youth Potential

                                                                                            Ali Tekmaji

        To all the youth reading this and myself, we          Taliban and encouraging young girls like herself
        are the backbone of a society. All the others         to pursue an education.
        including the young and old rely on us to do all      Now, with all the potential we have, how much of
        the work –just about everything. Due to this high     it is actually being put into work? Here are several
        dependency on youth in society, we have an            key points to activate youth potential:
        important role to play because the future of our      • Education: The knowledge youth acquire from
        families, communities and the country lies in our     school is vital for succeeding and thriving.
        hands.                                                • Creativity: Add your own flavoring to everything
        We are the most capable age group that has the        you do. Try to make it better in every way
        potential to change the world. We are like the        possible.
        main characters in a movie. The chocolate in          • Involvement: Try to be involved in all activities
        chocolate chip cookies.                               held in your communities and be active. Use and
        The youth also make and spread new trends             spread the knowledge and creativity you have.
        around the world. We can say that we are the          • Connections: Connecting with other youths,
        voice of the world.                                   as mentioned earlier if everyone worked side by
        Now, according to, 25 percent of the        side and brought together all their heads, it would
        global population are youth between the ages of       create unparalleled power. The power to come
        15 and 24 - that is 1.8 billion youth, or 1.8 billion   up with new ideas and mechanisms that lead
        treasures.                                            to success. Not only that, but we can see what
        Imagine what they would do if they all worked         others have gone through and learn from one
        side by side and brought together all their heads,    another’s mistakes and experiences.
        like the saying “two heads are better than one”,      Finally yet importantly, it is noteworthy to
        make that 1.1 billion heads.                          mention an ideal youth in history who occupied
        Let’s take a look at a few teenagers who made         the highest position in human virtues and
        history.                                              moral attainments. He is none other than Imam
        Lious Braille, yes that last name probably ringed a  Muhammad al-Jawad, the one who greeted
        bell. He invented the Braille language for the blind  everyone humbly, fulfilled the needs of the poor,
        in 1824 when he was just 15 years old! Being          maintained Islamic requisites of equality and
        blind himself, he was inspired and determined         simplicity, helped the poor secretly, treated even
        at a young age to conceive of a way to read and       the foes fairly, extended hospitality and conveyed
        write.                                                true Islamic knowledge to all. All while being a
        Next, we have the famous young Pakistani              youth just like us. He was living only 25 years.
        activist MalalaYousafzai, who in 2014 became          He was able to set an example for us that age is
        the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.      nothing but a number. It is up to the person and
        She was famous for speaking out against the           his dedication to reach success.

                                                                                            Hussein Revivalism 13
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