Page 11 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 11

Scientific and Cultural             were produced on vellum and

        Heritage                            other parchments, on papyrus,
                                            and on paper. In Russia, birch
                                            bark documents as old as
        The head of the centre              from the 11th century have
        Mr. Munaf al-Tamemi said            survived. In India, the palm leaf
        “The manuscripts represent          manuscript, with a distinctive
        important scientific and cultural   long rectangular shape, was
        heritage. These works include       used from ancient times until
        subjects such as astronomy,         the 19th century. Paper spread
        maths, medicine, sciences,          from China via the Islamic world
        religious affairs and other         to Europe by the 14th century,
        subjects which have served          and by the late 15th century
        humanity and were preserved         had largely replaced parchment.
        on paper by scholars of bygone      When Greek or Latin works
        generations”.                       were published, numerous
        Adding “We are able to              professional copies were made
        know about the past and             simultaneously by scribes in
        historical events through the       a scriptorium, each making a
        documented sciences of the          single copy from an original text
        past generations as recorded by  that was declaimed aloud.
        them in these manuscripts”.
        “ The Centre has not been           “Work in the Centre is similar to
        able to so far gather the entire    work at a hospital because we
        collection of manuscripts and       are diagnosing the damage and
        documents, which numbered           finding ways of conservation
        in their thousands prior to their   and restoration,” al-Tamemi
        loot due to the policy of the       states.
        past regime. Prior to 2003,         The Centre follows the
        Imam Hussain Holy shrine held       scientific methods to restore
        approximately 700 manuscripts       the documents and the staff of
        and most of them were copies        the Centre took part in many
        of Holy Quran. Recently, the        workshops and trainings in the
        Holy Shrine began to acquire        Czech Republic.                         “
        some of these manuscripts,          Al-Tamemi further explained
        together with donated               that “The Centre is working           Historically, manuscripts
        manuscripts, so far the shrine      on issuing a detailed index for
        has assembled about 5400            the manuscripts. The index             were produced in form
        manuscripts” al-Tamemi said.        will include parts of the Holy
                                            Quran. It will contain a thorough         of scrolls or books.
        It’s worth mentioning to            study on the development of
        that before the invention of        the scripts of the Holy Quran,             Manuscripts were
        woodblock printing in China or      and development of illuminated
        by moveable type in a printing      Qur’an manuscripts from the           produced on vellum and
        press in Europe, all written        first to the fourteenth century
        documents had to be both            A.H.”                                   other parchments, on
        produced and reproduced by          An illuminated manuscript is
        hand. Historically, manuscripts     a manuscript in which the text         papyrus, and on paper.
        were produced in form of            is supplemented with such
        scrolls or books. Manuscripts       decoration as initials, borders

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