Page 12 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 12

(marginalia) and miniature          add a special material and          methods to conserve the
        illustrations. In the strictest     check the pH as well as the         manuscripts which are in
        definition, the term refers only    paper fibres whether they are       accordance with global
        to manuscripts decorated            made of cotton or silk.”            specifications, ones followed by
        with gold or silver; but in both    Zaghaeer added that the Centre  international universities.
        common usage and modern             has cooperation with the
        scholarship, the term refers        University of Karbala to record
        to any decorated or illustrated     six types of fungus that affect
        manuscript in Western               manuscripts, and has taken part
        traditions.                         in the third scientific conference
                                            in Malaysia.
        The Way of Restoration              Mr Firas al-Asadi, an expert of
        - Lab Analysis                      restoration, refers to the two          “
                                            ways of restoring manuscripts,
                                            the wet way which is known              The experts follow
        Ahmad Zaghaeer, Head of the         as the paper paste way, and           the scientific methods
        Centres' Laboratory, said “The      the dry way, known as the
        manuscripts undergo accurate        Japanese paper.                           to conserve the
        testing which makes the path        Al-Asadi explained that the
        of restoration clear. The experts   experts follow the scientific               manuscripts.

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