Page 15 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 15
T he media has a huge Q/ Do publications by Q/ How effective is print
effect on changing religious establishments
media in today’s world?
the fate of many
spread culture among
Robert Tolast:
societies for better
or worse. In spite
despite that fact that many
of these effects, people are society? “Print media is still very effective
British freelancer Robert Tolast:
searching for the valid news and “They are effective; however people are resorting to electronic
reports, particularly from well- the reader should be aware of media such as social media. The
known media outlets. the establishment’s credibility as print media in the world, right
Hussein Revivalism tries to some of them are impostors and now, has a huge impact on the
focus on the importance of publish fake news and reports. Western readership. In addition,
religious moderate media Credible establishments should certain topics leave strong
among societies and its role to work hard to counter those impressions on the readers’
inspire and unite people. impostors, which aim to cause because the language employed
separation and disunity amongst in articles grabs the attention of
people. A clear example is ISIS, the reader.”
who were able to attract many
youths from various countries Callum Paton:
using distorted narratives in their “One of the most important forms
media.” of the media is the print media. It
can be easily preserved without
Callum Paton from the fear of loss and it has big effect
Newsweek: on decisions makers.”
“Religious establishments have
a big, if not the biggest, impact Jack Watling:
on the West in portraying the “In my opinion, print media
reality of Islam as many other targets certain readers because
groups have sought to distort it in it publishes special reports and
their own fashion. Most Western articles. Publications are able to
media agencies can not cover attract readers as long as they
the news from the ground so they have a clear vision.”
depend on local press agencies.”
Cameroonian journalist Nadae:
British freelancer Jack Watling: “The advancement of technology
Islamic media outlets should work in the world has changed the way
hard to defend the strong attack we humans obtain information
on the Islamic religion and it through the media. Electronic
must be available and accessible media is definitely taking the lead,
to the Western communities in especially for our young readers.
order to show them the correct According to a survey, 77%
Islamic principles. In addition, of men aged 47 and above in
the religious establishments France prefer print media.”
could invite effective Western
journalists to reflect the reality Senegalese journalist Mustafa
from the ground. People have Diba:
to understand the coherence The publications that are adopted
among the Iraqi people, both the by religious organizations have
Shia and Sunni religious leaders an immense impact on spreading
play a vital role in controlling cultural, religious and social
the unity of the country. Imam awareness.
Hussain Holy Shrine publishes 1- The Connection of Civilizations
important publications that and Cultures: Many of the
diplomatic relations between
Hussein Revivalism 15