Page 16 - Hussein Revivalism - Issue 16
P. 16
for communities to express “
Jack Watling Callum Paton
the Arab and African countries the media in a positive manner
created by the exchange of and show people the real and
publications adopted by some peaceful principles of Islam. This
moderate and non-religious is not an easy task but at the
religious institutions, which were same time, it is not impossible.
sent to various associations and When you have a plan, clear
institutions. vision and professional staff, you
2 - These publications are can be very effective in society.
Islamic media closest way to discover the truth Islamic print media should be
and learn the facts, for example,
based on a clear philosophy, a
must be available more than 90% of those who well-defined strategy, precisely
and accessible discovered the Islamic world defined goals. It must provide
confirm that it was through
communities with information
to the Western publications that reach them which is based on knowledge.
through Muslim associations
An important point worth
communities around the world. mentioning is that the content
in order to Dr. Abdullah Ahmed- Saudi of print media is the essence of
discourse. Unless this discourse
show them the Arabia: contains real content that
The Media becomes the means
stems from the definition of the
correct Islamic visions, premises, concepts
principles. their feelings and have a say and philosophies on which the
discourse is based, there will be
in changing certain decisions
in society. The media can no powerful, effective media.
create events, build society if In the context of globalization,
it used in right way, and create with the evolution of media
positive behaviour within the and the spread of satellite
communities. channels, the Islamic media
In regards to print media, some outlets must also rise to a high
readers in the Arab world still level and provide advanced and
choose to obtain information from rich content that guides the
newspapers and magazines, as minds and hearts of the modern
opposed to electronic means, generation in a constructive and
due to the legitimacy of printed positive manner.
Renowned religious institutions
like Imam Hussein Holy Shrine
should create lobbies in the
world, particularly in the West,
in order to have an impact on
16 Hussein Revivalism