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6                                                                                                                                                          The IDC financing process in 5                      s teps
                                                                                                                                                                                                               CITY PRESS, 27 AUGUST, 2017
          business                                                                                                                                                  R1 million or more for entrepreneurs for new

                                                                                                                                                                    businesses or expansions

                                                                                                                                                                        The potential client drops off their business plan at the
                                                                                                                                                                        IDC's P re-Investment Business Centre (PIBC) at 19
                                                                                                                                                                        Friedman Ave, Sandown, or at one of the IDC's r egional
                                                                                                                                                                        provincial offices
                                                                                                                                                                     2  All business              3  If it falls within the
                                                                                                                                                                        plans are                    mandate, the PIBC
         Through its new                                    Financing approved                                               NEW  ECONOMY  Christo  Fourie  is  set     registered by                allocates it to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     manager to begin
                                                                                                                                                                        the records
                                                            for new industries
                                                                                                                                                                                                     screening as part o f
         industries strategic                               *Net approvals                                                   on  developing  strategic  new  industries  and screened                the basic
                                                                                                                                                    PHOTO:  DEON  RAATH
                                                                                                                                                                        for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     assessment process
                                                               ICT-related  Electronics
         unit, the IDC is looking                              Machinery   Medical equipment                                                                         4  Applications that pass the basic assessment process are forwarded for
                                                                                                                                                                        review to one of the 13 strategic business units (SBU's)
         for businesses of the                              R MILLION
         future that will drive                                                R227.2m
         economic inclusion                                 200                                                                                                      Agroprocessing  infrastructure    Metals and      Chemicals
                                                                                                                                                                     and agriculture
         and job creation,                                  150    R150m
                                                            100                                                                                                      Automotive  a nd  Textiles  New        Heavy       Media
         Riana de Lange                                                                                                                                               equipment    clothing    industries  manufacturing  and motion
                   ike  much  of  the  world,  South  Africa  is
                   experiencing  an  influx  of  new  technologies  that
                   are  threatening  to  disrupt  the  traditional  order
                   of  doing  business.  While  few  would  dispute  0
                   that  technology  has  transformed  our  lives  for  2016    2017                                                                                  Machinery        Chemical          Light           The
         Lthe  better,  the  unintended  consequence  of  the  Source: IDC                                                                                            and capital     products and   manufacturing      rest of
         fourth  industrial  revolution  is  job  losses.            THEUNS KRUGER, Graphics24                                                                        equipment     pharmaceuticals   and tourism       Africa
           Herein  lies  the  challenge.  Should  we  embrace  technologies                                                                                                                    5  The SBU undertakes a  d ue diligence
         far  behind.  This  economy  has  one  of  the  best  and  most  THE ECONOMICS                                                                                                           process. If the plan meets all the
         that  are  canibalising  jobs  by  creating  new  competitive
         advantages  or  shun  adoption  to  preserve  jobs?  While  the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  requirements, the money is
         latter  is  an  easy  option,  the  consequences  could  be  dire.
           “In  terms  of  technology  adoption,  South  Africa,  isn’t  too
         sophisticated  financial  sectors  –  a  factor  that  one  can  easily                                                                                                                             THEUNS KRUGER, Graphics24
                                                            OF TECHNOLOGY
         attribute  to  the  sector’s  adoption  of  modern  technologies,”
         says  Christo  Fourie,  the  IDC’s  head  of  New  Industries,
         adding  that  it’s  the  objective  of  the  corporation  to  help
         South  Africa  to  establish  and  develop  innovative  industries   OF TECHNOLOGY
         that  can  spur  economic  growth.
           The  unit  was  established  after  a  review  process  examining
         how  the  IDC  could  best  fulfil  its  role  as  a  development
         financer.  To  that  end,  the  IDC  approved  R227.2 million  in
         financing  for  businesses  in  new  industries  during  the
         financial  year  up  to  the  end  of  March.
           Fourie  said  this  represents  a  52%  increase  compared  to   Prior  to  the  establishment  of  this  unit,  its  forerunner,  the  necessarily  look  like  the  energy  giant  Sasol.  Although  it  can  Value of approvals per sector (2017)
         the  previous  financial  year,  and  this  figure  is  set  to  increase   venture  capital  unit,  invested  in  39  start-up  businesses  over   still  be  centered  on  a  single,  massive,  technology-driven
         exponentially  over  the  next  few  years.       a  period  of  eight  years.                       investment,  an  industry  can  also  be  hundreds  or  thousands   R227m                         R55m
           The  target  for  the  2018  financial  year  is  to  allocate  at  least  Thorough  research  was  done  in  20  categories  to   of  smaller  companies,”  Fourie  said.   New industries          Agroprocessing
         R345 million  to  new  industries,  he  said.     determine  the  competitive  advantage  for  success  in  South   Fourie  said  the  success  of  Sasol,  which  was  established  by  R161m         and agriculture
           Established  two  years  ago,  this  unit,  among  other  Africa  by,  for  example,  looking  at  the  available  IDC  investment,  is  also  apparent  in  the  string  of  supporting
         objectives,  focuses  on  the  development  of             technologies  that  could  give  a  country  the  edge,  industries  and  services  that  would  not  exist  without  the   Media
                                                                                                                                                                           and films
         industries  that  will  help  South  Africa  to  build   A   natural  resources  that  could  be  used  to  our  energy  giant.                                                                               R2bn
         a  competitive  economy.                                      benefit,  or  a  geographical  advantage.  “Another  example,  think  of  natural  products  and  how                                           Other
           This  broader  focus  incorporates  3-D   PROJECT  IN         Fourie  said  the  attractiveness  of  the  South  Africa’s  unique  flora  can  be  used  in  cosmetics,   R434m                             manufacturing
         printing  technology,  nanotechnology,   PARTNERSHIP           potential  industries  was  also  judged  by  pharmaceutical  products  and  food  additives.  How  can  we                                    tourism and
         robotics,  artificial  intelligence  and                       measuring  it  against  the  IDC’s  financial  and  capitalise  on  the  uniqueness  of  our  flora?  Clothing,                                services
         biotechnology,  data  analysis  and      WITH  THE             development  goals.                     “Even  though  much  has  already  been  done  in  this  sector,  textiles, leather
                                                     IDC              must  be  able  to  compete  and  be  successful  in  with  further  processing  of  home-grown  products.”  shoes
         autonomous  vehicles.                                           “The  industries  that  the  unit  invests  in  we  want  to  get  more  deeply  involved  in  the  value  chain   products and
         THE  SECTORS  THAT  THE  BUSINESS                           the  international  market,  as  well  as  create  job  In  relation  to  the  fourth  industrial  revolution,  South  Africa  R1.8bn  Value
         UNIT  IS  FOCUSING  ON  ARE:                              opportunities.”                            has  a  lot  of  capacity  at  its  universities  and  institutions  such           Chain
         . Gas  beneficiation;                                   Fourie  said  the  timelines  for  developing  new   as  the  Council  for  Scientific  and  Industrial  Research  (CSIR)   Industrial
         . Energy  storage;                                industries  is  in  years  and  decades.  The  goal  of  the  new   to  develop  new  technology.               infrastructure
         . Fuel  cells;                                    industries  business  unit  is  to  create  at  least  one  or  two  new   But  we  do  not  have  to  reinvent  the  wheel.
         . Renewable  energy;                              industries  in  the  next  five  to  10  years.      “We  aren’t  just  going  to  wait  for  technology  to  be                                            R8.5bn
         . Medical  equipment;                               The  venture  capital  model  is  that  investors  typically  invest  developed  –  we  want  to  follow  the  shortest  route  to  the   R2.1bn          Metals
         . Natural  products;  and                         in,  for  example,  10  businesses.  One  or  two  will  probably  be   development  of  new  industries  and,  if  we  initially  have  to   Chemicals and  and mining
         . Technology  or  new  business  models  tailored  for  the  fourth   successful,  a  few  will  just  survive  and  others  will  fail.   depend  on  imported  licensing  or  if  our  technology  has   pharmacology
         industrial  revolution.                             “The  same  principle  is  applicable  to  the  new  industries   to  be  bought  and  modified,  we  will  follow  that  route,”  said   Source: IDC integrated report, 2017  COBUS PRINSLOO, Graphics24
                                                           that  we  chose.  We  also  realise  that  a  new  industry  does  not   Fourie.

         SA steps into                                                                                                                                                          Energy storage will

         the futuristic                                                                                                                                                           fuel future growth

                                                                                                                                                                                The energy sector in South Africa offers the greatest
         world of 3-D                                                                                                                                                           opportunities for economic growth – and it is a sector where
                                                                                                                                                                                the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is focusing its
                                                                                                                                                                                  Christo Fourie, head of the IDC’s business unit for new
         metal printing                                                                                                                                                         industries, said South Africa offered a lot of opportunities for
                                                                                                                                                                                the manufacture of batteries.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Opportunities around gas beneficiation, energy storage and
                                                                                                                                                                                fuel cells are a top priority for the corporation’s business unit
                                                                                                                                                                                for new industries.
                                                                                                                                                                                  The IDC is involved in a joint project in cooperation with
                                                                                                                                                                                Bushveld Minerals for the co-development of vanadium redox
                                                                                                                                                                                flow batteries in the field of energy storage.
         Thanks to two engineers’ search for the complicated                                                                                                                      Vanadium is seen as a cheaper alternative to lithium for
         components needed to make an electrical bike run, and the                                                                                                              energy storage purposes.
         investment backing of the Industrial Development                                                                                                                         Entrepreneur Elon Musk, known for the development of the
         Corporation (IDC), South Africa has just taken its first                                                                                                               electric Tesla vehicles, is building one of the world’s largest
         commercial steps in the world of 3-D metal printing.                                                                                                                   lithium battery factories to supply the expected demand for
           The IDC’s R17 million investment in Gerrie Lombaard and                                                                                                              electric vehicles.
         Ken Gray’s start-up company, Metal Heart, marked its first                                                                                                               “South Africa has most of the minerals used in those cells,
         forays into 3-D printing as a manufacturing process.                                                                                                                   so, even though we have a backlog, we can catch up,” said
           It took just one month from the date the business plan                                                                                                               Fourie.
         was presented to the day that Metal Heart switched on the
         3-D metal printer, although the two friends began   ULTRAMODERN  Ken  Gray  and  Gerrie  Lombaard  with  their  futuristic  machine  PHOTOS:  ELIZABETH  SEJAKE
         researching their idea in this field way back in 2014.                                                                                                                  Start-ups will drive
           The machine was imported from Germany and installed at  3-D metal printing process is, said Gray.
         the company’s property in Johannesburg.             Lombaard says the machine saves time because it can
           Metal Heart’s first contract was to provide casting moulds  carry on working indefinitely and without supervision.                                                    future job creation
         for the manufacture of certain components that a well-  Personnel can therefore get on with other work.
         known provider of security products and do-it-yourself   As  a  result  of  the  accuracy,  the  final  product  is  much
         enthusiasts use in the opening mechanism of a door.   closer  to  what  is  ultimately  required,  and  very  little
           According to Lombaard, the so-called SLM machine that   finishing  work  is  needed  when  the  casting  mould  comes  out                                           Some of the businesses the Industrial Development
         Metal Heart imported is the first commercially available 3-D   of  the  3-D  printer.  This  also  saves  working  hours  and                                          Corporation’s (IDC’s) business unit for new industries
         metal printer in the country.                     energy.                                                                                                              approved financing for over the past financial year include:
           After the agreement with the IDC was signed, the   Gray says one of the greatest advantages is the range of                                                            . A company that manufactures electronic appliances that
         company was so eager to begin that it already had a   materials that can be used.                                                                                      beam out light by following a standard, silicon-based
         technician from SLM waiting in the car to calibrate the   The list is long and includes titanium, aluminium, tool                                                      manufacturing process;
         machine – only to hear that it still had to obtain customs   steel, cobalt-chrome and stainless steel.                                                                   . The commercialisation of a valve that prevents leaking in
         clearance for the printer, Lombaard explains.       The metal powder used in the process is imported and                                                               toilet cisterns; and
           The 3-D printer works by adding layers of metal dust to   comprises just a small percentage of the costs, says Gray.                                                   . Support to existing clients that manufacture medical
         an object form, which has been preprogrammed into a   The biggest expense is the machine itself.                                                                       equipment.
         computer. Every layer is bonded to the previous layer using   The different sorts of metals that can be used, the                                                        According to the IDC’s integrated report for this year,
         a laser beam.                                     complex elements that can be applied in the design and the   BENEATH  THE  SURFACE  Complex  inner  workings         R31.4 million of the entity’s financing went to black
           The machine does its own quality control test after every  accuracy of the process means the machine can cater to                                                    industrialists, and R107.9 million went to businesses run by
         layer is added.                                   various fields.                                                                                                      young entrepreneurs.
           The accuracy of the machine, along with its complicated   Just think of what it could mean for sectors such as   can be achieved, because complexity is not a limiting factor.   Much of the money goes to start-up businesses that focus
         geometry and unique characteristics that can be applied in   motorsport, tools, aviation, space travel, cycling equipment   Eventually, the technology can even begin to influence the  on the commercialisation of new technology – innovation –
         the design process, has many advantages over conventional   and lightweight but functional equipment for outdoor   way that car bonnets or camera casings look, because these   and have not yet entered a growth phase.
         manufacturing techniques.                         enthusiasts.                                       designs are still largely limited by what can be achieved by        Job creation is still low at this early stage, with 478 new
           The more complex the product, the more competitive the  Gray says there are few limits on the types of designs that  conventional manufacturing techniques.          posts created in the financial year that ended in March.
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