Page 15 - Our Land
P. 15

OUR  LAND                                                                            15

             A new piece of                         Which political party has the most viable
                                                    solution for our land issue?
           research on land                                      Total  Black  Coloured  Indian  White                    75%

     expropriation without                                                               35%                            OF  THE  SAMPLE  THINKS
                                                                                     29%                                   THAT  A  CHANGE  IN
             compensation,                              None                                            56%               THE  CONSTITUTION  IS
              conducted by                                                                               57%             REQUIRED  TO  ACHIEVE
                                                                                       33%                                THIS  END,  ALTHOUGH
            Forum24, shows                                        3%                          42%

        that South Africans                                    0% 3%                                                      59%

          have a better grip                                                 19%
                                                                                23%                                   OF  THE  BLACK  POPULATION
        on the issues facing                                        7%                                               FEEL  THIS  SHOULD  BE  DONE
        our society than our                                      3%                                                  WITH  CAUTION.  A  QUESTION
                                                                       11%                                          ON  WHETHER  EXPROPRIATION
           politicians would                                      4%                29%                             WITHOUT  COMPENSATION  WAS

         probably like. Land                                                            33%  38%                      A  THREAT  TO  THE  ECONOMY
                                                                                                                           WAS  SUPPORTED  BY
         expert Peter Delius                                    1%
           breaks down the                                     0%                                                        54%
                   findings                         Source: Forum24  0%                     ISABELLA  M  AAKE, Graphics24  OF  ALL  RESPONDENTS

                Fighters  (EFF)  beats  its  monotonous,  if  THE LAND                                            sample  as  having  the  most  viable  solution  for  our
                he  public  land  debate  is  coloured  by
                                                                                                                  land  issue,  the  ANC  trails  at  19%  and  the  Inkatha
                inflamed  rhetoric,  crude  proposals  and
                                                                                                                  Freedom  Party  barely  registers  with  a  mere  1%.  But
                dire  warnings.  The  Economic  Freedom
                hypnotic,  drum  of  expropriation  and                                                           the  largest  number  –  35%  –  believes  that  none  of  the
                                                                                                                  parties  offer  a  realistic  solution.
     Tnationalisation.  The  Zulu  king  summons                                                                   These  responses  give  a  sense  of  the  stormy  surface
     the  spirits  of  defeated  Zulu  regiments  in  veiled                                                      of  the  debate  and  the  sometimes  contradictory  eddies.
     threats  of  violence  to  protect  his  own  narrow   MYTH                                                  However,  other  sections  of  the  survey  provide  insights
     interests.  The  president  takes  refuge  behind  biblical                                                  into  deeper  and  enduring  currents  of  attitude  and
     imagery  while  the  ANC  leadership  dithers.  A  self-                                                     aspiration.  When  asked  to  rank  the  most  pressing
     promoting  deputy  chair  of  the  land  committee  calls                                                    priorities  for  the  country,  controlling  crime,  improving
     for  1 million  new  restitution  claims  to  be  lodged  at  the                                            education  and  health  services,  reducing  corruption  and
     risk  of  turning  the  current  morass  of  unresolved                                                      creating  jobs  enjoyed  support  levels  well  above  80%.
     claims  into  a  sinkhole  of  immeasurable  proportions.  Who should own the land on which we live?         Land  reform  lagged  far  behind  with  44%  support.  It
       Fortunately,  a  survey  conducted  by  Media24  suggests                                                  did  receive  53%  support  among  black  respondents,  but
     that,  although  the  association  of  radical  land  reform   Traditional leaders  The state  Individuals  Households/families  still  ranked  far  below  the  other  issues.
     with  quick  fixes  for  profound  problems  has  had  some                                                   This  pattern  of  priorities  has  been  an  enduring
     effect,  the  public  has  a  rather  more  sophisticated   3%  2%         2%                      6%        feature  of  polling  results  since  the  1990s.  If  land  is  not
     grasp  of  the  issues  than  many  political  leaders  think.                                               specifically  listed  as  an  issue,  its  relative  importance
       The  survey  was  conducted  by  Forum24,  Media24   11%     10%         16%         20%         12%       tends  to  be  even  lower  on  people’s  lists  of  priorities.
     News’  in-house  research  unit.  It  used  a  panel  method                                                 The  somewhat  higher  levels  achieved  in  this  survey
     and  is  not  a  representative  random  survey.  The  results                         8%                    might  reflect  the  growing  emphasis  on  the  land  in
     were  weighted  to  the  population  who  have  online                                                       public  debate.  However,  despite  the  presently  high
     access.  The  research  offers  a  good  spread  of  provinces,   35%  36%  29%                    32%       profile  of  land  reform,  the  vast  majority  of
     ages,  ethnicity  and  income  levels  to  give  a  view  of                           33%                   respondents  –  including  68%  of  black  people  –  still
     South  African  adults  very  close  to  the  national  profile                                              think  that  it  is  more  important  to  create  jobs  for
     of  the  population.                                                                                         youngsters  than  to  provide  them  with  land.
       Although  it  is  suggestive  rather  than  definitive,  the                                                While  the  EFF  has  the  highest  support  for  its
     same  methodology  accurately  predicted  the  outcome                                                       overall  policies,  the  leadership  might  be  a  little
     of  the  2016  local  government  elections.  It  differentiates          53%                                disconcerted  to  read  that  a  mere  15%  believe  that  the
     the  responses  of  blacks,  coloureds,  Indians  and  whites.   51%  52%                          50%       land  should  be  state-owned.  The  fact  that  only  4%
     This  terminology  may  offend  some  readers,  but  it  does                          39%                   agreed  that  land  should  be  owned  by  traditional
     provide  a  more  nuanced  view  of  attitudes.                                                              leaders  –  rising  to  a  mere  6%  in  KwaZulu-Natal  –  will
       The  questions  ranged  from  the  very  broad  to  the                                                    probably  do  little  to  quiet  the  king’s  bellicose  rhetoric.
     more  specific.  The  question  “Do  you  want  to  farm?”   Total  Urban  Peri-Urban  Tribal     Rural       However,  the  fact  that  83%  of  black  respondents
     received  support  from  71%  of  the  black  population,     Areas       Areas       Areas       Areas      believe  land  should  be  held  on  an  individual  or  family
     but  it  is  so  vaguely  phrased  that  it  is  difficult  to  judge                                        basis  should  give  pause  for  thought  to  those  inclined
     what  the  responses  imply.  Do  people  living  in  town   Source: Forum24           ISABELLA MAAKE, Graphics24  to  prostrate  themselves  at  the  feet  of  traditional
     want  to  move  to  rural  areas?  Is  the  expectation  that                                                leaders  at  the  first  whiff  of  royal  resistance.  Strong
     people  will  be  given  viable  commercial  farms,  or   Do you believe the ANC is capable of               support  for  the  proposition  that  land  reform  should
     assisted  to  start  household  gardens  on  existing  stands   remedying the inequalities in land           include  urban  as  well  as  rural  land  will  encourage
     or  something  in  between?  There  is  anecdotal  evidence                                                  political  parties  to  think  harder  about  the  allocation
     that  suggests  some  people  would  like  to  be  given  land  ownership?                                   of  land  in  and  near  towns  and  cities.
     as  an  addition  rather  than  an  alternative  to  the               Yes      No                            The  land  debate  has  so  far  been  conducted  largely
     current  means  of  earning  a  living.                                                                      in  terms  of  competing  slogans  accompanied  by,  at
       The  evidence  on  expropriation  without                                                                  best,  skeletal  policy  proposals.  The  public  hearings
     compensation  is  much  clearer:  75%  of  the  sample                                                       have,  however,  allowed  individuals  and  communities,
     thinks  that  a  change  in  the  Constitution  is  required  to                                             deeply  scarred  by  the  dispossession  of  their  land  and
     achieve  this  end,  although  59%  of  the  black  population                                               their  interminable  wait  for  its  restitution,  to  express
     feel  this  should  be  done  with  caution.  A  question  on                                                their  pain  and  anger.  It  is  also  likely  that  the  land
     whether  expropriation  without  compensation  was  a                                              60%       issue  has  become  for  many  people  a  shorthand
     threat  to  the  economy  was  supported  by  54%  of  all   66%  67%     72%                                expression  of  their  dashed  expectations  that  the
     respondents.                                                                           74%                   coming  of  democracy  would  usher  in  a  new  era  of
       When  broken  down  by  ethnicity,  this  number                                                           opportunity  for  all  South  Africans.
     dropped  to  46%  among  black  people  but  climbed                                                          But  the  overwhelming  and  enduring  priority  that
     steeply  to  69%  for  coloured  people,  71%  for  Indians                                                  the  vast  majority  of  South  Africans  place  on
     and  89%  for  whites.  Most  respondents  wanted  land                                                      improvements  in  the  control  of  crime,  the  quality  of
     reform  to  have  positive  outcomes  for  economic                                                          healthcare  and  education,  and  levels  of  employment
     growth.  Seventy-nine  percent  agreed  that  the  main                                                      should  be  a  warning  to  leaders  who  routinely  resort
     purpose  of  land  reform  should  be  to  provide  food                                                     to  populist  and  inflammatory  rhetoric.
     security,  jobs  and  exports.  An  even  more  overwhelming                                       40%        Politicians  who  seek  easy  popularity  through
     majority  –  including  83%  of  blacks  –  believe  that  the   34%  33%  28%                               simplistic  proposals,  racist  rhetoric  and  the  offer  of
     most  important  role  that  white  farmers  can  play  is  to                         26%                   quick  fixes  might  achieve  short-term  prominence,  but
     mentor  new  black  farmers.                                                                                 their  support  might  evaporate  like  morning  mist
       However,  levels  of  support  for  the  parties  most                                                     under  a  scorching  sun  if  the  implementation  of  land
     prominently  engaged  in  the  debates  sits  uneasily  with   Total  Black  Coloured  Indian     White      reform  diminishes  rather  than  enhances  the  quality  of
     these  perspectives.  The  EFF  is  viewed  by  33%  of  the   Source: Forum24         ISABELLA MAAKE, Graphics24  life  of  the  majority  of  our  people.
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20