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CITY  PRESS,  3 FEBRUARY, 2019                                 he World Economic Forum (WEF) report confirmed
                                                                             most of the things we already knew – that
                                                                             automation and machine learning are set to create
                                                                             as many jobs as they displace, that the gig
                                                                             economy and flexible contract work will become
                                                                  Tstandard, and that a knowledge of data science is
                                                                  going to be a key differentiator in the job market over the next
                                                                  few years.
                                                                  The future of work is more
                                                                  human than you think
                                                                    With more than two years having passed since the first Future
                                                                  of Jobs report, there have been some new developments.
                                                                    With the mainstreaming of chatbots and other consumer-facing
                                                                  artificial intelligence (AI), there’s more of an understanding of
                                                                  how machine learning might integrate into our society. Now that
                                                                  we’ve had some time to get to know Sophia, Alexa, Pepper and
                                                                  the rest, there are noticeably fewer “Are robots coming to steal
                                                                  your job?” clickbait articles in the media.
                                                                    The conversation around the future of work has shifted not to
                                                                  how many jobs stand to be lost by big bad robots, but to how
                                                                  organisations and individuals alike can shift their priorities to
                                                                  benefit from the new reality.                                    THE FUTURE OF
                                                                  The end of busywork?
                                                                    In just five years, the new report predicts that while 75 million
                                                                  current jobs stand to be displaced, 133 million new jobs may
                                                                  emerge at the same time – a net positive.
                                                                    Moreover, as businesses get used to the new normal of AI
                                                                  automation, flexible workplaces and task-specialised contract   WORK
                                                                  work, they’ll start to engage with the concept of work differently.
                                                                  They’ll focus on how machines can assist in the augmentation of
                                                                  their human labour for greater productivity and
                                                                  creativity rather than simply seeing automation as
                                                                  a cost-cutting measure.
                                                                    By 2025, it is expected that more than half
                                                                  of total time spent on labour will be
                                                                  handled by machines. What’s really                                 Forget the job coach. If you really want to
                                                                  exciting about that figure is the type of   LEE  NAIK
                                                                  labour that’s going to be handed over to
                                                                  robots – repetitive, time-consuming,                              know how to futureproof your career, your
                                                                  tedious and unsatisfying.
                                                                    Imagine a future in which everything                             best bet is the WEF Future of Jobs report.
                                                                  from database management to debugging
                                                                  and budget reports is delegated to an
                                                                  algorithm. That leaves more time to do more                                  Lee Naik unpacks the future of work
                                                                  complex and fulfilling work – the kind that creates
                                                                  more lasting value.
                                                                    In other words, the mass adoption of automation in the   susceptible to the coming disruption. An estimated 5.7 million jobs   There will, however, need to be a society-wide shift in thinking
                                                                  workplace is set to make us more human, not less. We may not   are reportedly at risk from digital automation.   around what kind of skills are needed in the changing workplace.
                                                                  be able to match the fast processing skills of an algorithm, but   However, the flip side of that is that we also stand to gain more   Most obvious is the need for data literacy – even the non-
                                                                  that means we’ll be more able to lean into our unique strengths –   from the fourth industrial revolution. With the right policies and   technical roles of the future will need to have a baseline
                                                                  creativity, communication, empathy and problem-solving that   strategies in place, the estimated growth in productivity could   knowledge of analytics and algorithms, the same way basic
                                                                  even the most advanced AI cannot match.             drastically reduce the number of jobs at risk and potentially   numeracy and literacy is required today.
                                                                    It’s becoming increasingly clear that the heroes of the fourth   double the size of the economy.       Less obvious are the so-called soft skills – how to collaborate
                                                                  industrial revolution aren’t machines and algorithms, but the   South Africa does have a few advantages up its sleeves that   and connect effectively for value, how to drive your own
                                                                  humans who are open to the possibilities of the new workplace.   more developed nations don’t. As digital leapfrogs, we have far   relevance in a more fluid job market, how to recognise new
                                                                                                                      fewer legacy issues to overcome before we can adopt new   opportunities and the need for change, and how to learn
                                                                  Learning to learn                                   technological and employment frameworks.            effectively.
                                                                    Just how close are we to a radically transformed future of   In fact, the Future of Jobs report finds that the majority of the   Preparing the workforce for the future is less about teaching
                                                                  work? The WEF report predicts that nearly all of these drivers for   local population will need minimal reskilling to adapt – more than   specific competencies and more about developing a mind-set for
                                                                  change will occur in the next five years. In other words, if you’re   60% of the workforce will be able to be reskilled in under three   lifelong learning and openness to change.
                                                                  not getting your organisation ready now, you stand a serious risk   months, with just under half requiring no reskilling at all.  It’s time to forget the robot bogeyman or the excuses about
                                                                  of falling behind.                                   We have also proven to be a naturally adaptable, one of the key   lack of digital skills. It’s up to us as South Africans to invest in
                                                                    And just in case you think the timeline is different for emerging   factors that will define success in the fourth industrial revolution.   developing workforces and workplaces that value active learning,
                                                                  nations, the data suggests otherwise. With a significant part of the   With a young population and a focus on skills development and   entrepreneurial thinking, and critical thinking.
                                                                  population working manual or labour-intensive jobs that will be   social inclusion in general, the ingredients are there for South   How ready is your organisation?
                                                                  most affected by automation, South Africa is particularly   Africa to weather the transition just fine.                          . Naik is CEO of TransUnion Africa

     AccountantAccountant                                                                                         OKHAHLAMBA LOCAL MUNICIPALITY
                                                                                                                       UMKHANDLU WENDAWO
     The South African Poultry A ssociation seeks t he services of an experienced accountant who will manage                                                           MPHELA &  A SSOCIATES INC (GROBLERSDAL) requires the services of a L itigation Attorney with
     all the finances and other capital assets of the organisation.                                               Okhahlamba Municipality  a  n  e  qual opportunity, affirmative  a  ction employer  right of appearance in the High Court. (FIVE YEAR CONTRACT)
     Requirements:• B achelor’sdegree i n C ommercewithspecialisation/majoringinAccounting/Accountancy            with its seat  i n  B  ergville invites suitable qualified candidates  t o  a pply for  t he  Salary: Negotiable
     and Management A ccounting or a  B achelor’s degree in Accountancy •  M  inimum of 3  y ears’ r elevant/     following senior management  p osition. Okhahlamba Municipality  i s  o ne of the
     appropriate experience • K nowledge a nd experience of accounting software.                                  Local Municipalities within Uthukela District i n K waZulu-Natal and it consists of the  Skills/Core Competencies
                                                                                                                                                                           inimum 5 y ears post admission experience in personal injury l itigation
     Competencies: •  Q uality orientation: To be able to accomplish tasks b y c onsidering all areas involved,   following towns: Bergville, W  interton, Geluksberg, and Cathkin.  •  A  bility to work independently
     no matter h ow small, showing concern for a ll aspects of the job, accurately checking processes and
     tasks, following procedures and taking action to address quality issues •  A ction oriented: To be able      DIRECTOR: TECHNICAL SERVICES                         •  E  xcellent writing & a nalytical skills
     to take prompt a ction to accomplish objectives and to achieve goals beyond what i s r equired by being                                                           •  A  bility to work well in a t eam
     proactive  a s  w  ell as respond quickly and take immediate  a ction when confronted  w  ith a  p roblem               (3 YEAR FIXED TERM CONTRACT)              •  A  bility to prioritise and work to tight deadlines and manage own caseload
     •  M  ember  a nd stakeholder communication: To be able to ask questions to determine needs, listen           Remuneration total all inclusive p ackage: i s i n  t erms of Gazette f or  •  F  lexible and efficient work ethics and ability to adapt style as required
     carefully, p rovide appropriate information, summarise to check understanding and to confirm satisfaction      upper limits of total remuneration packages payable to Municipal  •  S  trong business development skills
     • S elf-management: To be able to prioritise and identify m ore c ritical and less critical activities and tasks,  Managers and Managers directly accountable to Municipal M  anagers,  •  K  nowledge of client service and principles
     adjusting priorities when appropriate, e nsure t hat r equired equipment a nd/or materials are i n a ppropriate  of Category 2 ( Minimum: R811 416.00 - M  idpoint: R911 704.00 -  •  A  bility to draft c learly and concisely with strong legal analysis
     locations so that o wn and others’ work can b e d one effectively and stay f ocused, using time effectively and                                                   •  E  xcellent communication skills
     preventing irrelevant issues or distractions from interfering with work completion.                                        Maximum: R1 011 991.00) p.a.
     Responsibilities: •  B ookkeeping including balance sheet d evelopment, payroll and HR administration         The a ppointed candidate has to sign perfomance a greement for  Core Responsibilities
     • M anage d ebtors including invoicing and reconciliation • M anage c reditors i ncluding reconciliation and                  the period of 3 y ears.             •  D  rafting summons, pleadings & a pplications
     payments • C ontrol cashbook (payments and receipts) • M anage p etty c ash • C ompile a nnual budget and
     manage b udget • D evelop management a ccounts monthly, q uarterly and annually • M anage i nvestments       Requirements: •  A  n  a  ppropriate Bachelor’s degree  i  n  E  ngineering/B.Tech:  •  R  eviewing & i nterpreting applicable legislation/laws
     and statutory r eturns •  B e  r esponsible  f or financial management f or the AVI A frica C onference, AGMs  Engineering,  o  r  e  quivalent  •  R  egistration as a  P  rofessional Engineer with the  •  C  onducting research and sharing knowledge with team
     and other related e vents w hich involves invoicing for e xhibition s tands and registration fees, collection of  Engineering Council is a  p re-requisite  • 5  y ears’ experience  a t m  iddle management  •  P  reparing personal development plan to contribute to broader business development plan
                                                                                                                           roject/programme manager •
                                                                                                                                                                  i n
                                                                                                                                               xtensive practical experience
     registration fees, payments at AVI A frica a nd balancing thereof.                                           level,  o  r  a  s  p  unicipal Infrastructure s uch as roads, b ridges, e tc., Local government  •  P  reparing and drafting legal opinions to serve cases on hand
                                                                                                                  Engineering, M
     Enquiries: Reena Gopal, Human Touch, tel. (011) 257-8125                                                     and understanding of challenges facing Local government  i ncluding project  •  S  ubmit monthly performance reports to Management
     Applications accompanied by a  c omprehensive  C V  a nd copies of qualifications should be sent  t o        management  •  P roven  a bility to communicate and negotiate in all spheres and  •  A  ppearance in the High Court                                                                                  level of government • K nowledge of Municipal Infrastructure f und programmes and  Email your Application & C V t o m
     The c losing date for a pplications is the 15 of February 2 019.                                             reporting thereof • P roven a bility to manage and implement e xtensive i nfrastructural  CLOSING DATE: 15th February 2 019
                                                                                                                  development  p  rogrammes  a cross a  v ast rural area •  C  ommunication  a nd report
                                                                                                                  writing skills and ability  t o  c ommunicate in IsiZulu would be an added advantage              X1V736JT-TD030219
                                                                                                                  •  C ompliance  w  ith the MFMA: M  inimum Competency  L evels  i n  U  nit  s tandards as
                                                                                                                  per Government N otice  N o. R493 of Gazette  N o. 29967 of 15 June 2007. A  p erson
              UBUHLEBEZWE MUNICIPALITY                                                                            who does not meet minimum competency  L evels in Unit standards will be given
                                                                                                                  an opportunity a ttain the minimum competency L evels within 18 months from the
             Ubuhlebezwe Municipality with its seat in Ixopo invites applications from                            date of appointment.
               a  s uitably qualified person for appointment to the following position.                            Competencies: •  G  ood knowledge and understanding of relevant  P  olicy  a  nd
                                                                                                                  Legislation •  G  ood  k  nowledge and understanding of Institutional Governance
             CORPORATE   S  ERVICES DEPARTMENT                                                                    Systems and Performance  M  anagement • E xtensive  k nowledge of the public office
       DIRECTOR: CORPORATE SERVICES                                                                               environment • A ble t o f ormulate engineering master planning, p roject m  e  anagement   The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) looks forward to
                                                                                                                                  egistration with a
                                                                                                                  and implementation •
                                                                                                                                                                               appointing competent, qualifying candidates in its various faculties
                       RE-ADVERTISEMENT                                                                           professional body • C omputer literacy • A  valid  d river’s l icence.  and support departments in the following positions:
        (5 YEAR FIXED-TERM EMPLOYMENT LINKED TO PERFORMANCE)                                                      Key p erformance a reas: • E nsuring that s ettlement p artners w ithin the Okhahlamba  Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences
        Annual Total R  emuneration  p ackage in terms of Government Gazette                                      Municipal area are  s ustainable and are  s ervice  d elivery  o riented  •  E nsuring  t hat
                      No. 38946 of 01 July 2015                                                                   all C ouncil o perations are  i nfluence  b y  I DP and Budget •  A ccountable for  o verall  Lecturer/Junior Lecturer: Haematology (Contract ending 30 September 2023)
            •  T otal Remuneration Package: Minimum: R781 460.00 p.a.                                             planning, i mplementation and optimization of all Council Infrastructural, T echnical  ECP Lecturer/Junior Lecturer: Emergency Medical Sciences
            •  T otal Remuneration Package: Midpoint: R868 290.00  p .a                                           related  a nd projects • L eading and managing the staff within the functional area  Lecturer/Junior Lecturer: Nuclear Medicine
            •  T otal Remuneration Package: Maximum: R955 118.00  p .a                                            so that  t hey are  a ble  t o  m  eet their objective  •  Controlling and monitoring and  Advanced Clinical Skills Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                   t hat the budget is in line
                                                                                                                                                 s o
      NB: •  A  pplications must  b  e  s  ubmitted on the annexure  C  application  f orm for                    implementing of the budget for  t he department reparing and submitting reports
                                                                                                                  with Council requirements and objectives •
      senior  m  anagers obtainable  o n  w •  S  hortlisted applicants                    to Municipal Manager,  E  XCO, Council and relevant  s tanding committees •  F ull  Computer and Telecommunication Services (CTS)
      will be required to have their qualifications verified and undertake a  c ompetency                           competency  a ccording to the  T reasury  R egulations and not holding any  p olitical  Manager: Networking     N  etwork Security Engineer
      assessment in line with Regulation 16 of Government Gazette No. 37245 •  T  he                              office i n  a political party whether i n  a p ermanent, temporary o r a cting  c apacity.
      successful candidate will be based in Ixopo and sign an Employment Contract,                                                                                       Network Supervisor
      Performance Agreement, disclose financial interest and be subjected to security                              Responsibility: •  M  anagement  a nd coordination of the provision of services to  Faculty of Applied Sciences
      vetting.                                                                                                    Local communities in a s uitable and equitable manner including but not limited to:
      Minimum requirements: •  B  achelor’s  D  egree in Public Administration, Management                        Provision of project m  anagement w  ithin the Council and manage a  l abour force  t o  Lecturer: Conservation and Marine Sciences
      Sciences, Law or an equivalent qualification • 5  y ears’ of managerial experience at middle                undertake the maintenance  o f  r oads, s torm water, sewerage, h ousing, e lectricity,  Lecturer: Environmental Health
      management level •  H  ave proven successful management experience in administration                        building projects and maintenance  o f  i nfrastructure  •  P rovide reports to Council  Laboratory Technician: Marine Science
      • G ood  k nowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation • G ood  k nowledge                •  M  anage consultants and Contractors working on projects •  I mplement  N  ational
      and understanding of institutional governance systems and performance management                            Building Regulations • F leet m  aintenance, mechanical engineering and monitoring  Laboratory Technician: Microbiology/Biotechnology
      • G ood  k nowledge of corporate support services, including: * H uman capital management                   the implementation of IDP •  C  ontrol of Municipal vehicles and equipment  Fundani CHED
      * L egal services * F acilities management * I nformation communication technology * C ouncil               •  I  mplement  O  ccupational Health and Safety Act  •  Report  w  riting to
      support •  G  ood  k nowledge of supply chain management regulations and the preferential                   Municipal Manager,  C  ommittees,  E  XCO  a  nd Council •  M  anaging the overall  Academic Head of Department: ECP
      Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (Act No. 5 o f 2 000) • G ood  g overnance • L abour                 Departmental performance.                              Institutional Planning
      Relations Act, and other labour-related prescripts •  L egal background and human capital
      management; and •  K  nowledge of coordination and oversight of all specialised support                     NOTE: Qualification and SA Citizenship checks will be conducted  o n  a ll short-listed  Director: Institutional Planning   Hemis Co-ordinator
      functions •  K  nowledge of Local Government environment will be an added advantage                         candidates. Security Vetting will be done. S uccessful candidates  w  ill be subjected
      •  A  qualification in the Certificate Programme in Management Development for Municipal                    to additional checks including competency  a  ssessment. It is the applicant’s  Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
      Finance (CPMD/MFMP/ELMDP) or attaining qualification within a  r easonable time frame                       responsibility  t o  h  ave foreign  q  ualifications evaluated  b  y  t he South African  Senior Lecturer: Cost and Management Accounting (X2 Posts)
      in terms of the Municipal Regulations on minimum competency levels, 2007 •  C  omputer                      Qualifications Authority  ( SAQA). The  s uccessful candidate will b e  r equired to sign
      literate in Word, E xcel and Windows 2007 programs is required • C ode EB driver’s l icence.                an employment c ontract b efore c ommencement of duty, a p erformance a greement  Senior Lecturer: Financial Accounting and Tax (X2 Posts)
                                                                                                                  and disclosure o f fi nancial interest.                Senior Lecturer: Internal Auditing and FIS
      Key performance areas: The successful candidate will be responsible and accountable
      for the following: •  D  evelopment, implementation  a nd management  o f  s trategic goals,                Enquiries in respect  t  o  t  he above  p  osition should be directed  t  o:  Lecturer: Entrepreneurship and Business Management (X3 Posts)
      policies, procedures and  p lans for his/her Department and advise thereon •  P  roviding                   The M  unicipal Manager, M  r S .N. Malinga, on tel. (036) 448 8000 during office h ours,  Lecturer: Financial Accounting and Tax (X2 Posts)
      administrative support and records management services;  i  ncluding secretarial/
      committee services •  C  o-ordinating  l egal advisory  s ervices •  C  ompiling and updating               Comprehensive  C  urriculum Vitae,  t  ogether  with  certified  copies  of  Lecturer: Cost and Management Accounting (X2 Posts)
      delegated powers  a nd policy matters related thereto •  U  pdating statutes and Council                    qualifications,  a  pplication letter and certified ID copy,  s hould be sent to:  Lecturer: Internal Auditing and FIS (X2 Posts)
      by-laws •  O  verseeing all facets of Human Resources Management •  O  verseeing and                        The M  unicipal Manager, M  r S .N. Malinga, Okhahlamba Municipality, P O  B ox 71,  Lecturer: Business and Information Administration (X3 Posts)
      leading the Public Participation and Special Projects  p rocesses in Council •  P  roviding                 Bergville, 3 350. No scanned, e -mailed, o r f axed applications will be accepted.
      effective  I T  s ervices for the Municipality.                                                             THE C LOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS I S 2 1  F EBRUAY  2 019  A T 1 2H00.  ECP Lecturer: Internal Auditing and FIS
      Enquiries must be directed to: The HR Manager, M  r L .S. Hlophe, on tel. (039) 834 7700.                                                                          Faculty of Education
                                                                                                                  PLEASE NOTE: Candidates  a re required to complete  t he prescribed “Annexure
      Interested and appropriately qualified people should address their applications                              C” application form as per Government  G  azette  N  o. 37245 of 17 January  2 014  Lecturer: Afrikaans First and Second Additional Language (nGAP)
      together  w  ith comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, certified copies  o  f  q  ualifications                     which is obtainable from all Municipalities as well as the internet at HYPERLINK
      and names of at least three contactable referees to: The Municipal Manager,                                 “” Failure  t o  d o  s o  w  ill result  For detailed information on how to apply, please visit our website at
      Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality, P  O  Box  1 32, I xopo, 3276.                                              in the candidate being disqualified. C ertified copies (not older than 3  m  onths) of  gear advertising-2804
      CLOSING DATE: 28 FEBRUARY  2 019.                                                                           academic qualifications and a d etailed CV must accompany y our application.
                                                                                                                                                                         Closing date: 15 February 2019        Enquiries: (021) 959-6265
      The Municipality r eserves the right not to make an appointment. Priority shall be given to                 The  M  unicipality  r eserves  t he right not to appoint. Canvassing for the appointment
      candidates in accordance with employment equity targets. Should  a pplicants not hear                       will automatically disqualify the applicant. If no reply to your application has been
      from the Municipality within 30 days, after the closing date, they should consider their                    received within 30 days of closing date, you  s hould consider your application as being
      applications as having been unsuccessful. Communication  s hall be limited to shortlisted                   unsuccessful.  T he candidate  w  ill be required to disclose all financial interest and
      candidates.                                                                                                 will be subjected  t o  c ompetency  a ssessment. Appointment is subject  t o  t he signing
      NB: Proof of canvasing  o f  C  ouncillors or any officials will lead  t o  t he candidate being            of an employment contract  a nd performance  a greement in terms  o f  s ection 57 of
      disqualified.                                                                                               the Municipal Systems Act  a nd will be done in accordance  w  ith the Regulations on
      G.M. SINEKE: MUNICIPAL MANAGER                                                                              Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers. 43535KZN
                                                                                                                 MR S.N. MALINGA: M  UNICIPAL MANAGER
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