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08| City Press Tenders 03.02.2019
SALARY: R 2 99 709 – R 318 111 per annum.The s uccessful
candidate will be required to sign a p erformance agreement. NOTE:Thisisa p ermanentposition.ItistheInformationRegulator’s
required. As part of the selection process s hortlisted candidates
A u nique opportuniiity to contriiibbbute t o n ation building
BOLAND COLLEGE is a commi ed and innova ve leader in con nued educa on and The vision of the Quality C ouncil for Trades and O ccupations (QCTO) is to qualify a s killed
training in the Boland area and currently offers the following DHET opportuni es: and c apable workforce.
The Q CTO i s a C ouncil e stablished under the Skills Development A ct for s tandards generation and quality a ssurance
NO REF NO. POST DETAILS PERIOD SITE for a ll occupational qualifications.
The Q CTO i s l ooking for h ighly motivated, c ompetent and professional individuals to conduct v erification of Skills SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES:
1 S S/STR/01/19 STUDENT SUPPORTER DHET Strand Development P roviders (SDP) applications on a p art-time basis.
Remunera on: R163 563 per annum plus Part-timeVerifiers
benefits* The appointed verifiers will be responsible to conduct s ite e valuation v isits and c ompile
evaluation reports for accreditation o f s kills development providers. after the closing date will not be considered. Applications must
MANAGEMEANT PERMANENT Office Gauteng • N orth West • M pumalanga • K ZN • W estern Cape • L impopo
• E astern Cape • N orthern Cape • F ree S tate
Remunera on: R356 289 per annum plus The Q CTO i s s eeking to establish a n ational database of part-time verifiers (on an ad hoc basis), currently involved
benefits* in industry, to be called upon from time to time to conduct v erification visits to Skills D evelopment P roviders for
accreditation purposes. S uccessful candidates m ust be passionate about their industries and be able to evaluate
*BENEFITS FOR THE POSTS compliance t o s et standards in the training environment. The a ppointed V erifiers w ill conduct s ite e valuation visits
Benefits include a thirteenth cheque. Membership of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is and compile evaluation reports for a ccreditation of skills development p roviders. P art-time verifiers are s ought f rom
compulsory. Employees may also be eligible to receive a Home owner’s housing allowance and the the following industries:
employer’s medical aid subsidy. Details regarding the fringe benefits are available on request. • R esources & I nfrastructure ( Ref. QCTO 158/1) (eg Agriculture,Transport,
START DATE: A s soon as possible Construction,Trades, L ogistics, e tc)
• M anufacturing & T echnology ( Ref. QCTO 158/2) (egTechnicians, C ontrollers,
To view the full adver sement, please visit from 05 February 2019. Energy,Trades, M ining, E ngineering, M echatronics, A erospace, Retail,
PLEASE NOTE: InformationTechnology, e tc)
Applica ons must be submi ed on form Z83, obtainable from our website and must be accompanied by • P ublic Sector Services (Ref. Q CTO 1 58/3) (eg Education,Training & D evelopment,
a covering le er and updated CV inclusive of three (3) contactable references, cer fied copies (not older Law, Military, Security, Health, S ocial Services, e tc)
than 3 months) of all qualifica ons with academic transcripts / statement of results, I.D document and • F inancial Sector Services (Ref. Q CTO 1 58/4) (eg Insurance, Financial Practitioners,
valid driver’s license (if required). for more t han one post must submit a s eparate form Z83 (as well
Tax P ractitioners, A ccounting, C ompliance, etc)
Please indicate reference number of the post which you are applying for on your applica on form. • F ood, T ourism & R ecreation (Ref. Q CTO 1 58/5) (eg Food & B everage Services,
Candidates who apply for more than one post, should complete a separate applica on form for each Events, H ospitality,Tourism,Trades) beingappliedfor.If a n a pplicantwishestowithdrawanapplication
post. Only original applica ons hand delivered or posted will be accepted. Applica ons received a er
the closing date as well as those faxed or e-mailed will NOT be accepted. Applica ons must be addressed InterestedcandidatesareurgedtoconsulttheQCTO’
fields; alternatively, s earch for r egistered occupational qualifications on the SAQA website (
to the Human Resources Manager, Head Office, Boland College, Private Bag X5068, Stellenbosch 7599.
The s uccessful candidates w ill be trained by the QCTO and their information loaded onto the Q CTO’s d atabase, a nd meetings and the administration of the budget of his/her where a n a pplicant applies for more t han one post on the same
This appointment will be made in line with DHET’s Employment Equity Plan. If you have not they will be expected t o p rovide the service o f a v erifier as and when required, d epending on their availability.
heard from us within 60 days of the closing date, please consider your applica on unsuccessful. Key f unctions will include the following: • V erifying prospective S DPs ( Skills Development P roviders) against set
criteria for a ccreditation by the QCTO (Phase 2: site v isits) • C ompleting and submittingVerification Reports timeously
ENQUIRIES: Tel: 021 886 7111 • M aintaining industry k nowledge in the relevant Q CTO o ccupational qualification(s) • E xtensive t ravel ( travel and
accommodation costs to be covered by the Q CTO).
Requirements: • H ighly ethical and motivated • A r elevant p ost-school qualification (tertiary o r h igher e ducation)
• A m inimum of 5-7 years’industry e xperience • Knowledge of the registered Occupational Qualification, Curriculum within three (3) months (after the closing date) must accept that
Document a nd Qualification Assessment S pecifications (available on the QCTO website) • E xcellent c omputer s kills
• R eport-writing skills in English • K nowledge of post-school education framework a nd relevant g overnment-wide
legislation • L egislative k nowledge and p rescripts, eg National Qualifications Framework • A pplied communication,
monitoring and evaluation skills • D iligence • T ime m anagement s kills • A valid driver’s licence. ENQUIRIES:
Remuneration: Candidates w ill be informed of applicable rates u pon t heir appointment.
Applications must be accompanied by an application letter quoting the province, industry a nd reference n umber
for t he post applied for a nd the relevant o ccupational qualifications you a re interested in becoming a v erifier for CLOSING DATE:
(including SAQA IDs), as well a c omprehensive C V, certified copies of ID, q ualifications and driver’s licence. Certified please contact the person indicated in the post details.
copies must not be older than 3 m onths. The a ppointment o f s uccessful candidates w ill be subject t o t he verification
of qualifications. S uccessful candidates m ust be prepared to complete a c ompetence a ssessment, if required.
Please forward y our application to the Head: Human Resources M anagement a nd Administration, Quality
Council for T rades and Occupations (QCTO), P rivate B ag X278, Pretoria 0001 or hand-deliver at the reception Ensuring protection of your personal information and effective access t o i nformation
be clearly indicated on the envelope.
JOBURG MARKET Correspondence w ill be entered i nto w ith shortlisted applicants. I f y ou have not been contacted f or an interview
within 60 days of the c losing date of this advertisement, please accept that y our application had been unsuccessful.
The J oburg M arket ( JM) i s a Municipal Entity established a nd wholly owned b y The Q CTO i s a n e qual opportunity e mployer c ommitted to the p rinciples of Employment E quity.
the City of Johannesburg to provide w orld class facilities for t rading in fresh Applications received after t he closing date, a s w ell as faxed or e-mailed applications, w ill not be considered.
Shortlisted candidates m ay be subjected t o a competency test.
produce. J M i s t he biggest m arket i n S outhern A frica b y v olume a nd value o f QCTO reserves the r ight n ot to make an appointment t o t he advertised posts.
fresh p roduce t raded daily a nd has a b uyer base comprising of wholesalers, Closing date and time: 15 February 2 019 a t 1 6:30
retailers, exporters, processors, i nformal t raders and t hose buying for h ousehold Enquiries: MsT M akhubela, tel. (012) 0 03-5605
use. JM invites s uitably q ualified and e xperienced p ersons to apply f or the H u man Communications 145310
following p ositions:
THE JOBURG MARKET HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES: The C ity of Cape Town promotes and applies the principles of employment equity. I n l ine with
the City’s c orporate e mployment e quity and diversity strategy, e quity policy, p lan and targets,
• C ASHIER preference will be given to suitably qualified candidates from the designated groups.
• Q UALITY ASSURANCE I NSPECTOR The Municipality hereby invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to apply for the undermentioned PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL OFFICER: URBAN PLANNING AND MECHANISMS
senior management positions to be stationed in Brits:
Remuneration: R1 424 447 (minimum) or R1 705 924 (midpoint) or R1 987 402 (maximum) per annum
INTERESTED APPLICANTS CAN VIEW THE DETAILS OF THESE POSITIONS ON This is a 3 -year fixed term contract not exceeding a p eriod of one year after the election of the next council of the Municipality Requirements: • A Professional degree in Town Planning/City and Regional Planning or equivalent (4-year
JOBURG MARKET WEBSITE: Key requirements: • A B d egree i n P ublic Administration/Political Science/Social Science/Law • M inimum competency w ill be an added advantage undergraduate or postgraduate Master’s degree) • A t l east 8 y ears’ postgraduate experience in the field of town
• C omputer literacy • A m inimum of 5 y ears’ relevant experience at Senior Management level and proven successful institutional transformation within planning, which should include extensive experience in the compilation of forward p lanning frameworks a nd/or
PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. the public or private sector • A valid driver’s l icence • N O c riminal record.
Knowledge and skills: • A dvanced knowledge and understanding of relevant policy a nd legislation • Advanced understanding of institutional planning policy • E xperience in the field of land use management, including compilation and/or assessment of
THE CLOSING DATE IS 11 FEBRUARY 2019 AT 12:00 PM. governance systems and performance management • A dvanced understanding of council operations and delegation of powers • G ood governance land use applications • R egistration or ability to register as a P rofessional Planner with the South African Council
• A udit and risk management establishment and functionality • B udget a nd finance m anagement • A n i nnovative and strategic leader • G ood facilitation
and communication skills. for Planners (SACPLAN) • A v alid Code B d river’s licence • G IS skills are h ighly advantageous.
Core focus areas: • F inancial Services • C orporate Support Services • I nfrastructure and Technical Services • E conomic Development • T ourism and
Joburg m arket offers remuneration t hat Agriculture • C ommunity Development Services • P lanning and Human Settlements • P ublic Safety, F leet and Facilities Management. Key P erformance Areas: • D evelop short- to long-term metropolitan, district, local, site and/or sector-based
is market related i n r ecognition of the
individual’s experience and in line w ith the Key performance areas: • P rovide ethically correct advice to the Executive Mayor and Council • E nsure implementation of Council policies and plans/development frameworks, strategies, policies/guidelines so that meaningful spatial direction is given to
remuneration guidelines for e mployees in 2019108 resolutions • P rovide vision, set d irection for the Municipality and inspire others to deliver on the mandate of the Municipality • E nsure compliance with investments made by all relevant parties to ensure t hat this is appropriately integrated with other City strategies
local g overnment a nd policy directives o f the Municipal Finance Management Act, No 55 of 2003 and all other relevant legislation • I nitiate and support municipal transformation • E xplore and
the c ity o f j ohannesburg implement new ways of delivering services • R ender strategic leadership during development, implementation and monitoring of the integrated • P rovide spatial planning expertise and support to planning districts and metropolitan spatial planning
Development Plan and Performance Management System • C ommunicate effectively with all stakeholders • D isplay and build the highest standards of initiatives • D rive processes relating to the preparation of spatial plans, strategies, policies and guidelines basadzi m edia - a dvertising
ethical and moral conduct • E nsure accountability for municipal transformation and organisation development, basic service delivery, local economic
development, municipal financial viability and management and good governance and public participation • R epresent the Municipality at Provincial and • F acilitate the participation of relevant stakeholders in the identification, development and adoption of spatial
National Forums. plans, strategies, policies and guidelines • D evelop mechanisms for the implementation of spatial plans
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER • M anage multi-disciplinary teams of colleagues or consultants for commenting on and influencing development
Remuneration: R1 156 263 (minimum) or R1 376 505 (midpoint) or R1 596 747 (maximum) per annum applications to co-ordinate planning implementation at district level.
This is a 5 -year fixed term contract not exceeding a p eriod of one year after the election of the next council of the Municipality
Key requirements: • N QF level 7 q ualification in Accounting, Finance or Economics or Chartered Accountant (SA) • 7 y ears’ experience at Middle and WATER AND WASTE S ERVICES • S OLID WASTE M ANAGEMENT
Senior Management level, of which at least 2 y ears must have been at Senior Management level and in: strategic leadership and management; strategic HEAD: FACILITY AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION
financial management; operational financial management; governance; ethics and values in financial management; risk and change management; audit TCOE SALARY COMMENCING FROM R742 872 PER ANNUM • R EF.: SWM 07/19
and assurance • A qualification relating to the National Treasury r equirements for senior officials, eg CPMD/MFMP/ELMDP, w ill be an added advantage
• C omputer literacy i n W ord, Excel and Windows programs • A Code EB driver`s licence is essential.
Knowledge and skills: • A dvanced knowledge and understanding of relevant policy a nd legislation • Advanced understanding of institutional Requirements: • A n a ppropriate tertiary qualification in Engineering or Environmental Management
governance systems and performance management • A dvanced understanding of council operations and delegation of powers • G ood governance • U p t o 8 y ears experience in a w aste management related field of which 5 y ears should preferably have been at
• A udit and risk management establishment and functionality • B udget and financial management • A n i nnovative and strategic leader. management level • K nowledge of all legislation applicable to managing the operation • K nowledge of waste
Core focus areas: • R evenue Management • S upply Chain Management • A sset Management • B udget and Financial Reporting. management principles and service delivery options • P roven ability in budgeting and financial control • A valid
Key performance areas: • B e a dministratively i n c harge of the Budget and Treasury O ffice • A dvise the Accounting Officer on the exercising of powers
and duties assigned to the Accounting Officer in terms of MFMA, 56 of 2003 • A ssist the Accounting Officer in the administration of the Municipality`s Code EB driver’s licence.
bank accounts and in the preparation and implementation of the Municipality’s b udget • D evelop a p rogramme for infrastructure service delivery w ithin
the municipal area, in line with the IDP, a nd oversee its implementation • P erform other tasks viz budgeting, accounting, analysis, financial reporting, cash Key P erformance Areas: • I dentify and define the immediate, short and long-term goals and priorities
management, debt management, revenue c ollection, supply chain management and financial management • D irect, develop, monitor and maintain
systems, policies, procedures and processes to ensure healthy financial operations and practices • D evelop and implement organisational and associated with the provision of operational support to the section • E nsure p lanning development of drop-off
developmental vision and strategy • P erform human resources and administrative duties/activities. facilities for minimisation of waste transferred to disposal sites • C oordinate the operating and capital budget
DIRECTOR: INFRASTRUCTURE AND TECHNICAL SERVICES • I dentify and define the need for drop-off s ervices and facilities in terms of the Integrated Development Plan
Remuneration: R1 156 263 (minimum) or R1 376 505 (midpoint) or R1 596 747 (maximum) per annum and departmental planning • M anage a d iverse staff c omplement within a l abour-intensive environment
This is a 5 -year fixed term contract not exceeding a p eriod of one year after the election of the next council of the Municipality • M anage multimillion rand operational contracts from initiation to implementation.
Requirements: • B achelor of Science degree in Engineering/BTech: Engineering or equivalent • A competency c ertificate will be an added advantage
• 5 y ears’ experience at Middle Management level, or as Programme/Project Manager, w ith 3-4 years at professional/management level, or engineering CLOSING DATE: 15 FEBRUARY 2019
management experience.
Knowledge and skills: • G ood knowledge and understanding of relevant policy a nd legislation • I nstitutional governance systems and performance Please apply online at (external applicants) or via the SAP Portal (internal
management • S upply chain management regulations and the Preferential Procurement Policy F ramework Act, 2000 (Act No 5 o f 2 000) • T he ability to applicants), unless o therwise stated.
formulate engineering master planning, project management and implementation.
Core focus areas: • R oads and Storm water • W ater and Sanitation • E lectricity • P roject Management. • P lease quote the reference number of the vacancy in all communications.
Key performance areas: • D evelop, implement, m onitor and control capital projects and contract administration • B e a ccountable for planning, • K indly note that applications will not be acknowledged in writing.
maintenance and control of efficiency i n o perating Municipal Electricity Services • E nsure the implementation of IDP strategic objectives, budget a nd SDBIP • C ertified c opies of qualifications must be available on request.
of the department and the Municipality • E nsure legal compliance in terms of Occupational Health and Safety Act and other relevant legislation • P roject
manage Labour Intensive Projects in line with the Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP), framework and reporting requirements • M anage related • C opies of supporting documents will not be returned.
Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) programmes • B e a ccountable for the development and maintenance of the municipal roads and infrastructure. • N o l ate applications will be considered.
The successful candidates will be expected to sign an employment contract, performance agreement, complete a d isclosure of financial • I f n o n otification of appointment is received within 3 m onths of the closing date, please accept that your
interest form, undergo competency a ssessment and vetting. They will be stationed at Madibeng Local Municipality, 5 3 V an Velden Street, Brits. application was unsuccessful.
The offer of remuneration will be determined by competence and current salary e arnings, read together with the guidelines as set out in Notice
1224 of 2018, published in Government Gazette No 42023.
Applications must be submitted on the official application form for senior managers, obtainable at and must be
accompanied by a c omprehensive and typewritten or legible Curriculum Vitae, certified copies of relevant certificates, Identity Document,
driver’s l icence and c overing l etter.
All applications must be addressed to the Director: Corporate Support Services, Madibeng Local Municipality, V acancy, PO Box 106, Brits 0250
or hand-delivered on the 6th Floor, O ffice No 621, Municipal Offices, 53 Van V elden Street, Brits.
Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. A pplicants from
previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply.
Kindly direct any e nquiry t o t he Director: Corporate Support Services at (012) 318-9401.
Closing date: 25 February 2 019 at 16:00
NB: Council reserves the right to withdraw, amend and/or suspend the process at any t ime when necessary. Human Communications 145355