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08| City Press Careers / Rapport Loopbane 03.02.2019
Mkhondo Local Municipality, w hich is a g ateway to the Province of Mpumalanga from Kwa-Zulu
Natal and Swaziland, seeks to appoint highly motivated self-starters and visionaries to the extremely MANAGER: SOCIAL WORK POLICY GRADE 1: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
challenging positions of Booysendal Platinum is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Social Work Services (Ref: HO 2019/02/01)
the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The Mine is located on the Salary: R755 598 all-inclusive package S A COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL (SACS)
DEPARTMENT: O FFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex with eighty percent of its
DIVISION: RISK MANAGEMENT resources in the Mpumalanga Province. The Mine has a b oard and p illar mining layout and operates · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Management Accounting (Ref: HO 2019/02/0 )2 AFRIKAANS EAT (GRAAD 8 TO 12)
CHAIRPERSON OF THE RISK MANAGEMENT AND FRAUD PREVENTION COMMITTEE with trackless mechanised mining equipment. Booysendal is a s ubsidiary o f t he JSE-listed Northam Salary: R697 011 a ll-inclusive package ONDERWYSER(ES)
(3 YEARS CONTRACT) Platinum Limited, a w ell-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals BEHEERLIGGAAMPOS
REMUNERATION: Compensation will be in accordance with rates as determined by National producer with a s trong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector. DEPUTY DIRECTOR: PROGRAMME DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT
Treasury. S chedules in this regard a re issued annually with specific hourly or daily rates. All · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Spiritual Care (Ref: HO 2019/02/0 )3 AANVANGSDATUM 1 APRIL 2019
other refundable expenses are b ased on the Municipality’s r elated policies in line with the Salary: R697 011 a ll-inclusive package (ONDERHANDELBAAR)
National Treasury guidelines. Manager: Mining
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: A B achelor’s D egree / a P ost-Graduate Degree in Auditing, Risk ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: VETTING OFFICER Aansoeke van gekwaliseerde, innoverende
Management, LLB or Public Administration • 5 t o 1 0 y ears management experience gained (Ref. BDMIN03/19) · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Security Standards (Ref: HO 2019/0 /0 )2 4 onderwysers(esse) met ondervinding sal
Salary: R444 693 per annum
from Strategic Management, Risk Management and/or an Auditing / F inancial, Anti-Fraud oorweeg word; sportafrigting is 'n vereiste;
and Corruption environments, preferably in the public sector. Department: Mining
OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Independent external person • E xcellent knowledge of the Risk · National Head Of ce: Directorate: F inancial Accounting (Ref: HO 2019/02/0 )5 Aansoeke moet gestuur word aan die
Management • K nowledge of Corporate Governance, Municipal Finance Management Act The Manager: Mining, appointed as a 3 .1(a) legal appointment in terms of the MHSA of 1996, is the most Salary: R356 289 per annum Skoolhoof, SACS, Nuwelandrylaan,
and Treasury Regulations, Enterprise Wide Risk Management (EWRM), COSO model and senior role in the Mining Department and is responsible for managing a n umber of stoping and development
Public Sector Risk Management Framework . ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: PERFORMANCE MONITORING Nuweland, 7700
operations. · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Strategic Planning, Management and Monitoring Sluitingsdatum 25 Februarie 2019
DUTIES: To assist the Accounting Officer to discharge of his duties in respect of risk (Ref: HO 2019/02/06 )
management with an ultimate aim of achieving the Municipality’s o bjectives • P rovide Key performance areas: • B e r esponsible for operational management of the Mine • S upport the Salary: R356 289 per annum Skoolhoof se sekretaresse
oversight on the review and monitoring the implementation of risk management framework, implementation of company safety strategy • B e r esponsible for contractor interface and liaison • S upport Telefoon 0216894164 uitbreiding 202
policy, c harter and strategy within the Municipality • P rovide guidance on integration of the overall business management of the mine • B e r esponsible for employee capacity enhancement and ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: INSPECTION SERVICES Epos:
risk management into planning, monitoring and reporting processes • P rovide advice / optimisation. · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Inspectorate (Ref: HO 2019/02/07 ) Webtuiste:
guidance on setting risk appetite and review risk appetite, tolerance levels, and anti-fraud Salary: R356 289 per annum
Net kandidate op die kortlys sal gekontak word
measures • L ead the C ommittee in conducting its activities in terms of the Public Minimum requirements: • R elevant professional qualification a t N QF level 6 • Basic Business qualification SACS behou hom die reg voor om nie 'n aanstelling te
Sector Risk Management Framework, MFMA, Risk Committee Charter and King IV Report at NQF level 5 • Statutory Certificate of Competence in relevant field • M ine Manager’s Certificate • M edical ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT maak nie
on Corporate Governance • P rovide proper and timely reports to the Accounting Officer on Certificate of Fitness • C ompetent as Manager 3.1(a) – E mployer appointed according to the Mine’s Health · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Application Development and Support (Ref: HO 2019/02/ 08)
the state of risk management, together with aspects requiring improvement accompanied by and Safety Act, No 29 of 1996 • M inimum of 5 y ears’ management experience • P roject management Salary: R356 289 per annum 354GFB00-TD030219
the Committee’s r ecommendations to address such issues • P erform any other duties of the • C ompetent in functional systems used in the business.
Risk Management and Fraud Prevention Committee as specified in the terms of reference · National Head Of ce: Directorate: International Relations (Ref: HO 2019/02/09)
(Committee Charter). Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make Salary: R356 289 per annum
appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy.
CLOSING DATE: 15 FEBRUARY 2 019 Applicants are requested to forward a c omprehensive updated C V, certified ID copy and
certified copies of all qualifications to the Recruitment Section of Booysendal Platinum Mine at SENIOR STATE A CCOUNTANT: B UDGET CONTROL [TRAINING COLLEGES]
Hand delivery o r P ost · National Head Of ce: Directorate: F inancial Accounting (Ref: HO 2019/02/1 )0
Municipal Manager Municipal Manager Salary: R299 709 per annum
Civic Centre Mkhondo Local Municipality Applications close: 15 February 2019
eMkhondo eMkhondo Please quote the position title and r eference number in the subject box of the e-mail. · National Head Of ce: Directorate: F inancial Accounting (Ref: HO 2019/02/1 )1
2380 2380 Salary: R299 709 per annum
CVs received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been
NOTE: Correspondence will be conducted with short-listed candidates only contacted within 3 w eeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.
No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted 2019156 · National Head Of ce: Directorate: I T A pplication Management (Ref: HO 2019/02/1 )2
If you do not hear from us within 30 days from the closing date, please consider your application Human Communications 145267 Salary: R299 709 per annum
The Municipal is committed to the implementation of its Employment Equity Plan, and in this vein, · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: IT Infrastructure and Telephony (Ref: HO 2019/02/13)
appropriately qualifying women and people with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply. SPECIALIST ( REF N O: 2019/37) (REF NO: 2 019/40) Salary: R242 475 per annum
Salary: A ll-inclusive s alary p ackage of R 1 005 0 63.00 p er Salary: All-inclusive salary package of R 1 0 05 063.00 per a nnum.
annum. (Total package to be structured in accordance with (Total package to be structured in accordance w ith t he rules of the
M K UNENE - M UNICIPAL MANAGER the r ules of the S enior Management s ervice) Senior Management service) · National Head Of ce: Directorate: A pplications Development and Support (Ref: HO 2019/02/14) BASADZI MEDIA - A DVERTISING CENTRE: Head Office: P retoria CENTRE: Head Office: P retoria Salary: R242 475 per annum
REQUIREMENTS: An Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7 ) REQUIREMENTS: An Undergraduate q ualification (NQF level 7) in Social
The United Nations Children’s F und (UNICEF) in Pretoria is inviting applications in Social Sciences, Social Work, D evelopment Studies o r r elated Sciences/Public A dministration or related q ualifications p lus 5 years ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: IT PROCUREMENT
from suitably qualified South African nationals for the following posts. studies p lus 5 years relevant working e xperience at Middle/Senior relevant working e xperience at Middle/Senior l evel i n m anaging G ender · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: IT Infrastructure and Telephony (Ref: HO 2019/02/15)
Salary: R242 475 per annum
If you are a c ommitted, creative professional and are passionate about making a l asting difference for level, A p ostgraduate q ualification w ill b e a n a dded advantage. The and p rojects. A p ostgraduate q ualification will b e a n a dded advantage.
children, the world’s l eading children’s r ights organisation would like to hear from you. candidate m ust h ave knowledge of Government’s D evelopment Sound knowledge and experience in Public Finance Management ADMINISTRATION CLERK: RESEARCH ANALYSIS
Agenda, G overnment Anti-Poverty Strategy and P ublic E mployment Act ( PFMA), Treasury Regulations, Public Service Regulations
For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote Programs. G ood a nalytical, i nnovative, p roblem solving/intervention including P ublic S ervice Code of Conduct, Gender Equality; Gender · N ational Head Of ce: Directorate: Research (Ref: HO 2019/02/16)
children’s s urvival, protection and development. The world’s l argest provider of vaccines for and i nterpersonal relations, w riting a nd leadership skills. K nowledge Mainstreaming, Project M anagement including/programmes the P ublic Salary: R163 563 per annum
developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality of public sector administrative p rocedures and p rocesses, public Sector. K nowledge of Gender and Women E mpowerment Legislative
basic education for all boys and girls and the protection of children from violence, exploitation and finance management, contract m anagement, and s takeholder Frameworks. K nowledge and skills: C omputer skills (Microsoft Office SECRETARY
AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations management. E xperience i n p eople management a nd conflict Package), G ood communication (written a nd verbal), Interpersonal · N ational Head Of ce: Of ce of the DC Strategic Planning and Management (Ref: HO 2019/02/17)
and governments. management. Experience in research methodologies, k nowledge of Relations & Facilitation skills, S takeholder networking, O rganisational Salary: R163 563 per annum
nd guidelines development, strong
P resentation skills. A bility
ork independently
t o
ell as in a
anagement and
a s
s trategic
Chief of Operations, NO-D, policy p lanning, basic monitoring a nd evaluation. Good Programme/ team under extreme pressure. S trong Project a nd team management Note: Before you apply: All costs associated with an application will be borne by the applicant.
The Department of Correctional Services is an equal opportunity employer. T he Department will
Pretoria, South Africa Project M anagement a re also key r equirements. Extensive e xperience skills. S trong oral a nd written communication s kills, including report take into consideration the objectives of Section 195 (1) (i) of the Constitution of the Republic of
South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) and the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act 55 of 1998) in
s pecific reference to writing. S trong networking and partnership building s kills.
in the Expanded Public Works
P rogramme
the S ocial Sector. S trong understanding o f S ocial S ector i nstitutional lling of these vacancies. It is our intention to promote representivity in respect of race, gender
(South African Nationals ONLY a re Eligible) arrangements a t a ll spheres o f g overnment, r elated l egislation, policies DUTIES: Mainstream Gender into the D epartmental Programmes, and disability through the lling of these positions. In support of this strategy, a pplicants need to
Fixed-term Post and s trategic frameworks. He/she must possess f acilitation s kills, good projects and P olicies. E stablish, co-ordinate a nd facilitate indicate race, gender and disability status on the application form/CV. A pplicants who have
s peci c determination that they cannot be re-appointed or
retired from the Public Service with a
advocacy programmes in promoting gender sensitisation
t o
Post No: VA-2019-001 communication skills, and s takeholder m anagement s kills. A bility h ours. responsiveness; Co-ordinate & implement effective s trategies for have been declared medically un t will not be considered.
a t s trategic level a nd work under p ressure /long
Purpose of the position: Be in possession of valid d river’s license. advocacy & c ampaigns t hat increase the p articipation of women Please take note that correspondence will only be conducted with the shortlisted
As the head of operations of UNICEF South Africa Country Office, be accountable for management in DPW programmes; E stablish m echanisms o n s takeholder l iaison candidates. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months of the closing date of
of cost-effective, efficient and secure operations, in support of management, administration and DUTIES: Organise internal capacity and b udget r esources f or the S ocial regarding g ender issues, P rovide oversight, c o-ordinate a nd monitor the advertisement, please accept that your application is unsuccessful. Please do not call
implementation of the country programmes, consistent with operations of all other country offices in Sector. D evelop policies a nd guidelines for t he Social Sector. D evelop implemented p rogrammes on women e mpowerment. P rovide advice the department to enquire about the progress of your application.
the Region in accordance with strategy, p lans and decisions made by Regional M anagement T eam strategic, tactical a nd implementation plans for t he Social Sector. and s upport o n t he formulation a nd implementation of policies i n The Department of Correctional Services reserves the right not to ll any of these
and Country Programme Management Team. You w ill p rovide guidance in operations to a g ender- Support t he Lead sector d epartment as mandated in the c oordination the department f or gender responsiveness; Provide inputs i nto t he advertised posts.
balanced, multidisciplinary team of professionals to identify and correct gender balances. of the EPWP Social Sector. D esign a nd manage s trategies to assist the development o f p olicies, strategies & l egislative imperatives to address
sector i n m eeting its s et targets. Provide I mplementation support t o women empowerment; P rovide i nputs into the review of policies &
Key accountability and end results: public bodies implementing sector r elated programmes/projects a t methodologies and b enchmark against international b est p ractice; Applications: Applications must be submitted on form Z83 (Public Service Application form),
obtainable from any Public Service Department, and must be completed in full. Applications
• O peration of financial, budget, information and communication technology, s upply and logistics, national, provincial and l ocal levels. Monitor a nd ensure achievement Promote p olicies & programmes t hat mainstream t he economic must be accompanied by a C V, copies of quali cations, identity document and valid
human resource and administrative management strengthened and maintained for Country Office of sector t argets. F acilitate development /review o f i ncentive models, empowerment and p articipation of women; Engage i n t he development driver's licence. Please Note: All copies attached must be certi ed a t rue c opy o f t he
• A ppropriate and consistent interpretation and application of operation’s p olicy and procedures frameworks a nd implementation manuals. Establish c oordination and of intervention plans f or women’s a ccess & participation in the original and not older than three months. Please send a s eparate and complete application
implemented to support operations at the country and sub-country levels • F iduciary responsibility for management structures for t he sector i ncentive programme. P rovide mainstream economy; E ngage i n i nterventions t hat promote women’s for each post you apply for, s tating the correct reference for each position you are interested in.
funds and assets effectively secured and timely executed for optimum utilisation by taking appropriate support f or the m anagement, implementation and a ccountability o n access to funding o pportunities; E ngage i n e conomic activities t hat are Faxed and e-mailed applications will not be accepted. C andidates must comply with the
decisions on all operational and financial transactions, disbursement of funds, and administrative the s ector i ncentive p rogrammes. F acilitate and c ommissioning o f accessible to women t o p romote gender equality; C ollate information minimum appointment requirements.
arrangements • E ffective leadership provided in strategic planning and policy recommendations in the research for n ew expansion areas a nd to monitor impacts of sector for d rafting of report, submissions, and b riefing notes f or the e xecutive CV's should be aligned to re ect one's degree of compliance with the advert requirements and
area of operations, taking initiative in improving and implementing operations management systems programmes. Profile best p ractises. Compile a nd submit reports to principals; C o-ordinate & convene s takeholder engagement on responsibilities. It is the sole responsibility of an applicant to ensure that their application reaches
• B asic office services effectively provided to enhance staff s afety a nd productivity • O perations various executive and m anagement structures. S ecure and m anage issues of gender & w omen e mpowerment; P rovide support t o t he DCS before 01 March 2019 @15h45.
components of the CPMP and annual work plans timely prepared, as well as all other operational the p rovision of technical, implementation and r esource support t o Chief Directorate through participation in various c ommittees of the
reporting requirements fully met for the office • C ompliance w ith a ll operational systems and procedures the s ector. Manage contractual agreements of external partners/ Department; D evelop and i mplement a p rogram of action on women Indicate the reference number and position you are applying for on your application form
effectively monitored to ensure integrity in all financial and other administrative operations of the office stakeholders. empowerment programmes. Pro-actively i dentify risks t hat are (Z83) and post your complete application to the relevant address as indicated below:
• S taff learning/development for effective operations performance programme developed, implemented ENQUIRIES: Ms Pearl Lukwago – Mugerwa T el: ( 012) 4921425 related to implementation of the p rogrammes a nd propose relevant NATIONAL HEAD OFFICE: Department of Correctional Services, Post Advertisement Section,
and enhanced for capacity building • E ffective coordination, communication, collaboration established solutions; C o-ordinate a wareness sessions a nd staff training programs & Private Bag X136, Pretoria, 0001 OR hand deliver at: 124 WF Nkomo Street, Poyntons
s taff
to raise
a wareness on Gender B ased Violence (GBV). Manage
and maintained with internal and external partners for efficient operations, advisory function, vision the fi nancial resources o f t he Directorate in line with Public F inance Building, Cnr WF Nkomo and Sophie De Bruyn Street, Pretoria, 0001 (Previous: Cnr Church and
and leadership, policy coordination, consultative and participatory management process, external DIRECTOR: E PWP E NVIRONMENT AND CULTURE Schubart Street). Contact persons: Mr TO Mokhele 012 307 2173/Mr Y N aidoo 012 307 2079/Ms
representation as well as security and emergency operations. SECTOR (REF NO: 2 019/38) Management Act ( PFMA). MMarais 012 307 2079/MsTP Baloyi 012 305 8589.
Salary: A ll-inclusive s alary package of R 1 005 0 63.00 p er annum.
Qualification and competencies: ENQUIRIES: Ms CJ. A brahams, Tel: (012) 4 92 3080
(Total package to be structured in accordance w ith t he rules of the For full details on the above positions, including minimum requirements, quali cations,
Education requirement: • An advanced university degree i n o ne of the following fields i s r equired: Senior M anagement s ervice) required experience and details o n h ow to apply, p lease v isit our website at
Accounting, B usiness Administration, Economics, o r F inancial Management. Work experience CENTRE: Head Office: P retoria DIRECTOR: I NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
requirement: • A m inimum of eight years’ professional experience in one or more of the following areas APPLICATIONS M ANAGEMENT (REF NO: 2 019/41)
is required: Office management, finance, accounting, ICT, h uman resources, supply, a dministration REQUIREMENTS: An Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in SALARY: A ll-inclusive s alary p ackage of R 1 005 0 63.00 p er annum.
or other related areas. Technical knowledge requirement: • P rinciples of Business Administration, Environmental, Agricultural and o r r elated studies. p lus 5 years (Total package to be structured in accordance w ith t he rules of the
office management, accounting, financial management, programme management and administration relevant working experience at Middle/Senior level. A p ostgraduate Senior Management service) X1V7CW7D-TD030219
• G overnment regulations and laws in the locality • H uman resources planning, development, qualification will be an added advantage T he candidate m ust h ave in- CENTRE: Head Office (Pretoria)
management and administration • I nformation and communication technology administration • S upply depth k nowledge of Government’s Development Agenda, G overnment
operations, logistics and purchasing administration. Language proficiency: • Fluency in English. Anti-Poverty Strategy and P ublic E mployment Programs. G ood REQUIREMENTS: An undergraduate q ualification (NQF level 7 ) i n
Knowledge of another official UN language or local language of the duty station is considered as an analytical, innovative, problem solving/intervention a nd interpersonal Information Technology or related relevant B Sc degree w ith e xtensive
asset. Competency profile: • Core values (required): * C ommitment * D iversity and inclusion * I ntegrity relations, writing and l eadership skills. K nowledge of public s ector experience in Information Technology Management of which fi ve-
• Core competencies (required): * C ommunication (II) * D rive for result (II) * W orking with people (II) administrative p rocedures and processes, p ublic fi nance management, years should b e a t m iddle/senior m anagerial level. D evelopment
• Functional competencies (required): * L eading and supervising (II) * F ormulating strategies and contract m anagement, and s takeholder management. Experience experience in C#, A SP. N ET, N ET Framework 2.0 – 4 .0, V isual S tudio
concepts (II) * Analysing (II) * A pplying technical expertise (II) * P lanning and organising (III). in people management and c onflict management. E xperience 2008/2010 SQLServer 2005/2008, Windows Server 2003/2008 a nd
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit their application by visiting in research methodologies, k nowledge of policy and g uidelines or Java Developer – E JB –Weblogic, U NIX S hell, PL/SQL, E xperience by 10 February 2019. development, s trong strategic m anagement and p lanning, basic with i mplementation o f l arge enterprise o r e -business systems or web
monitoring and e valuation. Good P rogramme/Project M anagement based systems or with SO, S oftware Design, S oftware Documentation,
Fundraising Specialist are a lso k ey requirements. E xtensive experience i n t he Expanded Software Testing, S oftware Maintenance, S oftware Development
Public Works P rogramme with specific r eference t o t he Environment Process, Software R equirements, T eamwork, G eneral C onsulting
C ulture Sector. S trong understanding o f E nvironment and
(Pledge Programme), P-3/NO-C, and Sector institutional arrangements, r elated l egislation, p olicies C ulture Skills, Software A rchitecture w ill b e a n a dded advantage, Proven track
nd record o f d esigning scalable, d istributed software applications. Object-
Pretoria, South Africa strategic f rameworks. He/she must possess f acilitation skills, g ood oriented d esign and m obile a pp design experience. S ystems Integration
communication skills, and
s takeholder management
ultiple platforms and
s kills. Ability to across
lus, Built
Temporary Appointment; 364 days communicate at strategic level and w ork under p ressure /long hours. environment exposure a plus with e xperience on CAD a nd engineering
Be in possession of valid d river’s license.
design software such as Autodesk.
(Post No: VA-2019-002)
DUTIES: Organise internal capacity and b udget r esources f or the
Strategic office context: DUTIES: Manage complex e nterprise systems team and s ystems
Environment a nd Culture ( E&C) sector. Develop p olicies a nd guidelines
UNICEF’s S outh Africa Country Office (SACO) has been fundraising from the private sector for over for t he Sector. D evelop strategic, t actical and i mplementation plans for integration units. Take a p roduct through the entire lifecycle o f a nalysis,
8 y ears. While fundraising has primarily been through corporate partnerships, the office is now making the E&C s ector. Design and m anage strategies in collaboration with t he design, coding, testing and i mplementation and s upport. I mplement all
focused efforts to build its individual supporter base, primarily through pledge giving (individuals Lead sector d epartment as mandated in the c oordination of the EPWP aspects o f a n a pplication design – h igh p erformance design, c oding,
that donate by automated payments from bank transfers, usually on a m onthly b asis). This follows E&Csector,toassistthesectortomeetitssettargets. Secureandmanage caching m echanisms, s ecurity, e ncryption, s tate management,
UNICEF’s P rivate Fundraising and Partnerships Division’s ( PFP) 2014-2017 income strategy. A n ew the p rovision of technical, implementation a nd resource support t o t he error l ogging, debugging, scalability, c ode reviews, development
SACO Pledge programme strategy is being designed for the period 2019-2021. sector a t n ational, provincial and l ocal levels. Facilitate development environment configuration, a nd testing. M anage a o perational needs
team Conduct
t he department’s application and
As Face to Face (F2F) fundraising has been the main driver of pledge acquisition for UNICEF globally, /review of incentive m odels, frameworks a nd implementation analysis. E ffective m anagement o f t he Department’s system analysis
SACO has launched a t est beginning of 2015, using the services of an external agency, a nd now manuals. Establish c oordination and m anagement s tructures in DPW and n etwork infrastructure. Effective m anagement o f D epartment’s
working on an ongoing basis with this agency. A s t he supply of external agencies specialising in for i mproved e fficiency o f t he sector i ncentive programme. P rovide Web a nd Database a dministration system. M anage the p rocurement
F2F in South Africa is scarce, and staff c apacity within SACO limited, the country office requires an support f or effective m anagement, i mplementation a nd accountability of IT Applications b usiness needs, develop and m anage Service L evel
experienced fundraiser with expertise in F2F to monitor performance, as well as guide and manage on the sector i ncentive programmes. F acilitate a nd commission Agreements with IT Applications s ervice p roviders, manage a ll financial
the external agency. research for n ew expansion a reas and t o m onitor impacts o f s ector resources allocated to the d irectorate. C onduct Q uality assurance and
programmes. M anage c ontractual agreements o f e xternal partners/
Purpose of the position: be responsible for i ntegration of systems.
Under the overall supervision of Chief of Communication and Partnership, the main responsibilities stakeholders. Monitor a nd ensure achievement of sector targets.
Compile, submit and p resent r eports to various operational, senior/top
and tasks of this role will be to support SACO in the management of its F2F programme, to recruit and management a nd executive structures. Profile best practises. ENQUIRIES: M r. C M tshisa/ M s M Masango Tel: (012) 4 06 1546
manage the partnership with an F2F agency, a s w ell a s e xplore the scope for expanding acquisition
activities (eg digital fundraising, etc). The objective of the agency is to recruit good quality long-term ENQUIRIES: Ms Pearl Lukwago – M ugerwa Tel: (012) 4 921425 GENERAL: T he successful candidate w ill be required t o e nter i nto a n
donors. The overall goal is to have SACO’s F ace t o F ace p rogramme g row f urther and to achieve the employment contract, sign a p erformance a greement and d isclose h is/
position that SACO can rely on an extensive amount of funds for its office and programmes from the DIRECTOR: E PWP P ROGRAMME MANAGER her financial interest w ithin o ne month of appointment and t hereafter
Pledge Programme. Salary: A ll-inclusive s alary package of R 1 005 0 63.00 p er annum. on an annual basis. All a pplicants t o d eclare a ny conflict or perceived
Key accountabilities and end results: (Total package to be structured in accordance w ith t he rules of the conflict of interest, m embership o f B oards and D irectorship. Please
p ersonnel
t o
note that all shortlisted candidates will be subjected
• I mplementing the strategic pledge programme plan for 2019-2021 and making recommendations Senior M anagement s ervice) suitability checks and t he successful candidate will have to undergo full
for a s trategic and structured approach to the development SACO’s P ledge programme • R ecruiting CENTRE: Bloemfontein Regional Office security v etting. I dentifies candidates will be subjected t o a government
and managing a n F 2F agency. This will include: * E nsuring the appointed a gency reaches s pecific (REF NO: 2 019/39A) specific competency assessment.
performance targets and KPIs * M onitoring fulfilment and onboarding processes of new donors Polokwane Regional Office
based o n b est practice, ensuring integration and efficient use of telemarketing, d igital and d irect APPLICATIONS: The D irector-General, Department of Public Works
mail * E stablishing reporting and monitoring tools, ensuring they are in-line with UNICEF’s (REF NO: 2 019/39B) Private Bag X 65, P retoria, 0001 o r H and d elivered at, C orner M adiba
methodology * E nsuring contractual obligations a re met by the F2F agency and payment o f f ees are (Vermeulen) a nd Bosman Street, C entral Government Offices Building,
correct * E nsuring overall agency relationship is in good standing for potential p rogramme roll-out REQUIREMENTS: An Undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Pretoria,FOR A TTENTION: M s N .P Mudau
• D eveloping and i mplementing the donor journey and stewardship plan, which includes: * B riefing Social Sciences o r e a t quivalent qualification p lus 5 y ears relevant
l evel. Relevant post-graduate
working experience
the communication team o n t he development of pledge donor-related communication materials CLOSING DATE: 2 2 F EBRUARY 2 019 at 16H00
* C oordinating o ngoing (monthly) communication with Pledge Donors * R eviewing and giving i nput into qualification w ill be an added advantage. Work experience relating
p rogramme,
to the
fi nancial, people management and stakeholder
donor acquisition and retention materials • S upporting the SACO f undraising and communications team management a nd coordination, e specially i n c ross cutting programmes The D epartment of Public W orks is an equal opportunity, affirmative
by liaising with internal teams on results of activity, s pecific needs, best practice, etc. or spheres. Knowledge: E xpanded P ublic W orks P rogramme, action employer. The i ntention i s t o p romote representativity i n t he
Qualifications and competencies: Governments J ob Creation Policies and P rogrammes, P rogramme and Public Service t hrough the filling o f t hese p osts and w ith p ersons whose
Education requirement: • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in one of Project M anagement, L abour-Intensive Methods o f C onstruction, appointment will promote r epresentativity, will r eceive p reference.
the following fields: BusinessAdministration; Marketing; Communications; Fundraising; Management; Stakeholder M anagement; M onitoring a nd Evaluation methods,
or another relevant technical field • Alternatively, a fi rst-level university degree (Bachelor’s degree Communication, the Public Financial Management A ct and G overnment NOTE: An indication by candidates in this r egard w ill facilitate
or equivalent) in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced prescripts. Skills: Numerical, Analytical, Computer Literacy, P lanning the p rocessing o f a pplications. If no suitable candidates from
university degree. Experience requirement: • A m inimum of 5 y ears’ professional experience in and O rganising, Project M anagement, P roblem Solving, R eport W riting, the represented g roups g roups b e c an be recruited, candidates from the
P eople with disabilities
a re
c onsidered.
private sector fundraising, with progressively increasing responsibilities, including direct responsibility Financial Administration, P resentation, D ecision M aking a nd Research encouraged t o a pply. Applications m ust b e s ubmitted o n a signed
for setting and meeting income targets • Experience in, and knowledge o f, the country context will Methodology. W illingness t o a dapt to working schedule in accordance Form Z83, obtainable from any P ublic S ervice department a nd must
be an asset • Relevant marketing experience will be considered as contributing to work experience with o ffice r equirements. Valid D rivers L icense. be accompanied by a c omprehensive CV, r ecently c ertified copies
• International fundraising experience will be an asset • Previous managerial experience is essential. a nd an Identification D ocument. A pplications not
Language requirements: • Fluency in English.Knowledge of another UN language or local language DUTIES: Manage t he EPWP Regional office. P romote, e stablish a nd of qualifications a bove will be disqualified. S hould you n ot have
nd municipal structures and complying with the
of the duty station will be considered an asset. Competency profile: • Core values: * Commitment maintain r elevant E PWP p rovincial a t argets are heard from us within the n ext m onths, please r egard your application
* Diversity and inclusion * Integrity • Core competencies: * Communication ( III) * Working with people committees to ensure that E PWP w ork opportunities I t i s t he responsibility of all applicants t o
reached.HaveatechnicalunderstandingofallEPWPsectorprogrammes as unsuccessful. Note:
(II) * Drive for results (III) • Functional competencies: * Leading and supervising (II) * Formulating and cross-cutting programmes s uch as enterprise development a nd ensure that foreign a nd other qualifications are e valuated by SAQA.
strategiesandconcepts(II)*Analysing(II)*Relatingandnetworking(II)*Persuadingandinfluencing(III) training. I mpart t echnical k nowledge t o a ll participating p ublic b odies. Recognition o f p rior learning will only be considered on submission of
* Entrepreneurial thinking (II). Ensure effective m onitoring and reporting against E PWP t argets and proof by candidates. K indly n ote t hat appointment w ill b e s ubject to
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to submit their application by visiting objectives o n a q uarterly basis. Liaise effectively w ith t he Provincial verification of qualifications and a s ecurity c learance. Faxed, e-mailed by Coordinating Departments a nd ensure s treamlined i mplementation or late applications will NOT b e a ccepted. P eople with disabilities a re
10 February 2019. of the EPWP. E nsure that t he programme is effectively c ommunicated. encouraged t o a pply
If you have not been contacted within two months of the closing date, please accept that your Oversee t he conclusion and i mplementation of all Sectoral incentive NOTE: A ll shortlisted candidates will b e s ubjected to a c ompulsory
application was unsuccessful. agreements. P rovide strategic i nsight into e xpansion o pportunities. technical o r c ompetency-based exercise that intends to test the
Provide r egular reports o n p rogress w ithin t he province to Head Office. 2019151
Regret emails will only be sent to interviewed candidates. relevant t echnical e lements o f t he job as part o f t he interview process.
Identify best practice w ithin the p rovince and m unicipality, with the
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female view of replication. Following the t echnical exercise and t he interview the s election
and male candidates who are South African nationals from all religious and ethnic backgrounds, panel will i dentify c andidates to undergo t he generic management a
nd successful
competency assessments
including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a p art of our organisation. ENQUIRIES: Ms CJ. A brahams, Tel: (012) 4 92 3080
performance agreement a nd be subjected t o s ecurity c learance.
UNICEF has a z ero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and on any kind of harassment,
including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo
rigorous reference and background checks
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