Page 14 - sept-oct 2021
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...continued from page 13                           engagement  They are also not taking advantage of
                                                                all the ways you can pay Facebook to advertise your
            showing up in many towns they service when someone   brand and services in amazingly targeted ways  This
            types in keywords like ‘propane company near me,’   advertising capability is why Facebook is one of the
            ‘quality oil deliveries,’ or ‘water heater options ’ They   most profitable companies in human history, and fuel
            think their ‘web guy’ is doing the ongoing work needed   companies are completely missing the boat on this
            to win the ranking competition, and it’s just not hap-  tactic ”
            pening ”                                                   4. Generate positive reviews.
                                                                       Lindsey emphasized the importance of gen-
                   3. Make Social Media Your Ally               erating positive reviews as an approach for attracting
                   Lindsey highlighted dealerships’ use of social   new customers  The automotive industry was likely
            media as a way to connect with customers  “I had    the first to master the process of generating positive
            one dealership with a YouTube channel that had over   reviews  Think back to the last time you bought a car:
            160,000 followers and another dealership with 80,000   Did the salesperson ask you to write them a review or
            followers on Facebook,” he said  “They also posted   respond to a survey? This positive experience is cultivat-
            about topics that were related to cars but not self-pro-  ed from the moment the customer expresses interest
            motional ”                                          through to the close of the sale—and beyond
                   It’s a strategy that propane and oil compa-         His dealerships were hyper focused on calling
            nies can incorporate as well  Social media, particularly   prospects, following up on questions, making appoint-
            Facebook, are phenomenal ways to build and expand   ments, emailing, and performing other outreach as
            your brand, in the same way that traditional TV adver-  needed  According to a 2020 survey, 87% of customers
            tising used to work  Unfortunately, most fuel companies   read on-line reviews for local businesses and 92% said
            make serious mistakes that undermine their social effec-  negative reviews make them less likely to use a busi-
            tiveness                                            ness
                   “When I look at fuel company efforts, too often      “Many fuel companies have not structured an
            I see missed opportunities  They either post too infre-  approach for regularly recruiting five-star customer re-
            quently for Facebook to serve them up to followers, or   views, even though the overwhelming majority of their
            they do too much pure business, not enough fun and   customers really like them,” he said. “This is a significant
                                                                                      missed opportunity ”
                                                                                             The good news,
                 Looking for a reliable,                                              according to Lindsey, is that
                                                                                      many of the same issues he
              customized supply plan?                                                 sees in the delivered-fuels in-
                                                                                      dustry are things that plagued
                                                                                      auto dealers less than 10 years
                Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to           ago, and the auto dealers
               creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs.     have turned that around
                             Things you may not know                                  “There are absolutely ways to
                                                                                      help fuel companies catch up
                                   about Crestwood:                                   on the digital front,” he said
                   Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with   “If anything, the pandemic
                   storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals   has made this even more of
                   in the Southeastern US.                                            a priority, as a larger share
                   Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with    of the older population has
                   assets connected to major supply hubs.                             also grown more comfortable
                   One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with   engaging on-line for business
                   over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars.                                services ”
                   Offer flexible price risk management solutions.                           “I look forward to
                                                                                      helping connect the dots for
                                 Want to know more?                                   fuel companies, and open-
                        Call today for help with supply programs, index               ing up some exciting doors
                     pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or             for them to grow and de-
                          our transportation and storage capabilities.                fend their businesses  Warm
                                                                                      Thoughts is excellent at all of
                                                  Max Johnson                         the approaches I’ve seen as
                                                  Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast  best practices, and our do-
                                                 main expertise in the propane
                                                  D: (816) 329.5316                   and oil space is unmatched ”■
                                                  C: (913) 972.5721
                                                  ICE ID: mjohnson31

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