Page 13 - sept-oct 2021
P. 13

What Propane and Heating Oil

                          Companies Can Learn from Car

                      Dealerships About Digital Marketing

                                                                                             by Cathy Pedrayes

                uel companies and auto dealerships share a      spend a majority of their marketing dollars on traditional
                remarkable amount in common  Many are family    advertising  What’s more, they are not taking advan-
                owned, in business for generations  Both are essen-  tage of many of the more sophisticated tactics that
           Ftial businesses, selling products to consumers who   can significantly boost response, in part because they
            have many options from which to choose  They need   don’t understand them
            to battle to retain customer loyalty and to attract new
            customers  Both are seeing increased consolidation   Proven Marketing Strategies to Explore
            and the emergence of large competitors with deeper         Based on successes he observed in the auto-
            pockets  And both are facing radical changes in the   motive industry, Lindsey shared four opportunity-making
            ways their customers evaluate their options, find people   marketing strategies that have proven successful
            to buy from and buying decisions                           1. Build mobile-first responsive websites.
                   It is this last point—how customers make buying      As of October 2020, over 48% of all web traffic
            decisions—where one of the key differences has start-  came through on mobile phones  In 2010 that number
            ed to emerge  After a slow start, auto dealerships have   was less than 4%, so we’ve seen a drastic increase in a
            fully embraced the power of on-line and social mar-  short period of time  In order to win at the digital game,
            keting and shifted the vast majority of marketing dollars   fuel companies need websites that are friendly for
            to digital tactics  Fuel delivery and service companies   mobile phones, tablets and desktops  In addition, com-
            have been much slower to make that shift            panies need to run litmus tests ensuring that the web
                   The recession of 2008 upended the automotive   design and code is beautiful yet error free when load-
            industry and accelerated its pivot to digital marketing   ed by multiple operating systems  Finally, they need
            in order to recover  Cayce Lindsey, who is now regional   to build these sites bearing in mind that inevitable,
            sales manager at Warm Thoughts Communications,      frequent updates will surely affect how their customers
            started working in the automotive industry during this   interact with their websites
            shift  He helped dealerships throughout the country        2. Implement a robust blogging and SEO
            take advantage of on-line tactics that could generate    strategy.
            leads and sales more effectively, at lower cost  He also      One key element in Lindsey’s automotive expe-
            helped enhance service profit centers.              rience was helping companies win the search engine
                                                                optimization (SEO) competition to rise in Google’s rank-
            Familiar Territory                                  ings  Lindsey said that when working with auto dealers,
                   When Lindsey joined Warm Thoughts at the     “the goal was to have a significant majority of website
            end of 2020, he didn’t expect to see much overlap be-  traffic be driven by organic search. It’s like having a
            tween the two industries  In speaking with propane and   sales and marketing team that works 24/7 ”
            heating oil companies, Lindsey finds that although they      “Effective SEO is complicated, and, frankly, it
            have much in common, their approaches to marketing   baffles many typical business owners. Plus, Google of-
            differ  “The fuel industry is several years behind the au-  ten changes the ground rules  They don’t focus nearly
            tomotive industry,” said Lindsey, specifically referencing   enough effort and dollars to make this a strength  But
            their digital marketing strategies                  in many respects, it is the most effective way to ensure
                   He recalled that when he began working in    you are ‘in the conversation’ when a consumer de-
            the automotive industry nearly a decade ago, “the   cides they want to buy something or make a change ”
            marketing spend was split, with 70% spent on traditional      For auto dealers, blogging was a big part
            media and only 30% on digital ” However, when he left   of their marketing strategy, as well as using effective
            the auto industry in 2020, those numbers had shifted to   “keyword” strategy in the copy and structure of their
            an “80% spend on digital with only a 20% spend on tra-  websites  “Auto dealers learned that Google owns the
            ditional ” In Lindsey’s experience, this shift in spend was   board, and you’ve got to play by its rules if you want to
            accompanied by growth, particularly in lead genera-  get in the game,” he said
            tion through traffic to company websites.                  Fuel companies, Lindsey finds, are way behind
                   Warm Thoughts recently conducted a bench-    in this regard  “Many of the propane and oil compa-
            mark survey of 60 fuel companies  The results revealed   nies I talk to don’t even realize that their company isn’t
            a split reminiscent of where the auto industry was about
            eight years ago  Most propane and oil companies still                            continued on page 14...

    13                                  Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2021
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