Page 11 - sept-oct 2021
P. 11

ates decarbonization.                               or learning more about propane.
                   “We need our brand identity to reflect the values      “The new messaging will help tell propane’s story
            that propane has always delivered but never promoted – the   of energy affordability and its role in reducing carbon emis-
            growing consumer preference for energy that is environ-  sions now and in the future. It also will make your custom-
            mentally responsible, widely available, and affordable for   ers feel even better about their energy choice,” she said.
            all,” Hatcher emphasized. “PROPANE Energy for Every-  PERC has created explainer videos, one-page summaries
            one™ does just that.”                               and a host of materials available to download from propane.

                   Elements of the brand identity, including the logo,   com. PERC marketing programs will reflect new identity
            the tag line, and colors, emphasize propane’s environmental   beginning Aug. 1.
            benefits rather than its American source.                  Additionally, PERC has made available to state
                   Hatcher said the new messages and identity res-  associations $2 million in matching funds for local media
            onated well among existing and prospective consumers in   purchases that support its national environmental messaging
            propane country as well as B2B audiences tested over the   campaign.
            last several months. Those B2B audiences include construc-     For more information, visit
            tion professionals, fleet managers, agriculture producers and   foreveryone.■
            environmental thought leaders.

                   A second round of testing confirmed the new iden-
            tity makes our audiences more interested in using propane

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     11                                 Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2021
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