Page 7 - sept-oct 2021
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LP gas board  | comments & reviews

                 he Alabama LP-Gas Board held its quarterly      Bear Creek Ace, Tuscaloosa, AL
                 meeting on July 8, 2021 at the Alabama               The board addressed settlement
                 Propane Gas Association’s office in             agreements for code violations totaling $ 4,825
            TPrattville, Alabama   Due to the COVID-19           Violations included:
            pandemic, meetings have been held at the                  • Employees working without first obtaining
            association’s training room which offers more        Employee Competency Cards
            space for social distancing of board members              • Installation code violations
            The board is requesting that only members                 • Cylinder filling code violations
            attend currently, as there is not adequate space          • Unsecured, unattended bulk plant and
            for social distancing with attendance from the       delivery trucks with keys in ignitions
            public                                                    The next quarterly meeting of the Alabama
                 During the July meeting, the board              LP-Gas Board will be October 14, 2021, at 10:00
            conducted a public hearing and certification         a m  at 770 S  McDonough St , Montgomery, AL
            vote on Alabama Administrative Code 530-X-2-         36104   Again, meetings are currently limited to
             10 Time Limits for Submitting/Completing LP-Gas     board members and essential personnel due to
            Permit Applications   The proposed change            the COVID-19 pandemic and limited space for
            to the code was approved, and in essence             social distancing   However, if you would like to
            provides for a 180-day timeframe for applicants      attend electronically using Microsoft Teams, you
            to complete permit applications once initiated       may contact me via email at mark nelson@lpgb
            If the application is not completed within the 180-  alabama gov and I will send you an invite to the
            day time limit, it is voided   It is not uncommon for   next board meeting
            applications to go one to two years and never             We hope restrictions will improve soon
            be completed   Approval of this amendment            Thank you for your patience and stay safe ■
            gives the board staff the ability to clean up old
            applications and move forward
                 The board also considered petitions to
            amend Alabama Administrative Codes 530-X-
            02 06 Storage & Handling of LP-Gas Codes and
            530-X-2-.12 Class A Permit Applications – Specific
            Requirements.  The specific Notices of Intended
            Action may be viewed on the board’s website
            at www lpgb alabama gov   In essence, one
            proposal is to adopt the 2020 edition of NFPA 58,
            and the other is to refocus the requirements for    MASTER DISTRIBUTOR
            obtaining Class A permits more on safety rather
            than finances to promote consumer protection
            and industry growth   Please reference the
            information on the website for more details
                 Other board action included the approval
            of the following permits:
                 • Class B Permit – Knight-Chemstar, Inc ,
            Houston, TX
                 • Class C Permit – Turner Boys Lawn Care
            LLC, Eastaboga, AL
                 • Class D Permit – Mobile Propane Services
            LLC, Hogansville, GA
                 • Class F Permit – Southeast Ace LLC dba

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