Page 10 - sept-oct 2021
P. 10
New ‘Energy for
Everyone’ Brand
Highlights Propane’s
Unique Environmental
even years into promoting propane’s value as fossil fuels in homes and commercial buildings in response
clean and American made, a fresh industry brand to global warming. Billions of private and public dollars are
identity has been launched to reflect the values being pledged to electrify school buses, forklifts, electric
Sthat align it with heightened environmental con- vehicles, homes, and supporting infrastructure.
cerns among consumers. “The need to establish propane’s role in a low-car-
In 2014, after a historically challenging winter choked sup- bon future has never been more critical. Propane must
ply, triggered price spikes and planted doubt about the reli- increase its voice in the national energy conversation and
ability of propane, the industry responded by refreshing its assert its commitment to reducing emissions as well as to
identity to the PROPANE Clean American Energy® brand. energy equity to remain a viable energy option,” explains
Complete with patriotic red, white and blue eagle logo, the Erin Hatcher, senior vice president of communications and
brand reflected the fact that the United States was well on its marketing for the Propane Education & Research Council
way to becoming the world’s leading producer and exporter (PERC).
of propane and made more than enough to meet domestic “To do that, we need to change how we tell pro-
demand. It also reinforced the idea that clean propane could pane’s story through our brand identity and accompanying
help Americans meet their emissions reduction goals, stem messages.”
climate change, and keep air, water, and soil clean for gen- A new brand, PROPANE Energy for Everyone™,
erations to come. launched July 1. It reflects two pillars for delivering pro-
As today’s worldwide quest for clean energy pane’s messages in a unified voice:
mounts, the movement to electrify everything threatens the •Access to clean, affordable and renewable energy
viability of our industry. like propane ensures equity on the path to zero emissions.
Municipalities nationwide are banning traditional •Clean and renewable energy like propane acceler-
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2021