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                        NEW OPPORTUNITIES.

                        FIND THE TRAINING YOUR TEAM NEEDS TO
                        SUCCEED IN THE LEARNING CENTER                              NEWLY ADDED COURSES

                                                                                       Δ Environmental Messaging
                                                                                      Sales Training Module
                        The training available in the online Learning Center means greater     Δ Introduction to the
                        opportunities for your team, and we’re adding new courses all the time.   Propane Industry
                        We’ve also upgraded the platform, making it more user-friendly than     Δ Fundamentals of Propane
                        ever. For instance, you can now download courses, complete them
                        offline, and upload your results when you reconnect. Sign on or create     Δ On-the-Job
                        an account to experience:                                     Training Handbook
                                                                                       Δ Dispensing Propane Safely
                                                                                       Δ Bobtail Delivery Operations
                                                                                      Coming Soon
                                                                                       Δ Cylinder Delivery Operations
                                                                                      Coming Soon

                        Find the courses you or   Get recommendations based   Track employee training
                         your teams need, fast.   on completed courses.   and performance.
                        Begin exploring the enhanced Learning Center at

                P538-068119-21_IndustryPrintAd-May_szA_FIN.indd   1
                P538-068119-21_IndustryPrintAd-May_szA_FIN.indd   1                                   4/9/21   2:01 PM
                                                                                                      4/9/21   2:01 PM
                                        Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  September / October 2021
     6                  P538-068119-21_IndustryPrintAd - May
                        Color:  4/color
                        Size: Trim: 7.875 x 10.5     Bleed: 8.125 x 10.75     Live:  7.375 x 10  SIZE A  BPN  (Butane Propane News)

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