Page 8 - sept-oct 2021
P. 8
from the executive director’s desk
t’s a little strange to be talking about the the topics ranging from NFPA 58 Update, Bob-
Southeastern Convention and Expo coming tails: Refurb or Replace, Whose Duty is it to Warn,
October 18-20 in Atlanta. This is a first for it to Trends to Retain Drivers,
Inot be in April NPGA was required to hold as well as many others
the conference since it canceled in 2020 This As for the exhib-
was the only option I hope that you will be able it hall, there are more
to spare come time to attend As always, they than 200 exhibitors Click
have agenda packed with education as well as here for an interactive
opportunities see what’s new in the industry and floor plan. You can click
network with others Click here for the schedule the booth space to see
of events Click here for hotel information information on each
On Monday and Tuesday, a host of exhibitor
concurrence educational sessions have been Ok ready to get
scheduled Click here to see the topics ranging registered? Click here to
from Delivery Optimization, Renewable Propane, register for this year’s con- uLisa Hillu
New Technologies, Preparing for the Future, and vention and expo
as well as many others Please note on pages 24-25 of this issue,
While the exhibit hall is open on Tuesday APGA will hold its Fall Committee and Board
and Wednesday, you will have the opportunity meeting at Pursell Farms on October 7-8 We
to attend Fast-Track Sessions Click here to see would love for you to join us for all events but
if you only have time to come over for a social
event on the 7th come on! We would love to
see you
In October, you will receive information
to update your directory listing for 2022, and for
suppliers, you will also have an opportunity to
the name in PROTECTION Finally, I hit a milestone in July 25 years
with the Alabama Propane Gas Association
Hard for me to believe I have been here that
long I have seen so many changes some good
aSafety and some really not good I have worked with
aSavings some great people some still here, some retired
aSimplicity and some gone from this Earth way to soon This
is a special industry I have so many propane
friends that are like family Thank you for the
opportunity to serve you in the role of Executive
Director for 25 years
I look forward to seeing many of you at
one or more of the meetings we have coming
800.448.9504 up Please let me know if I can help you in any
• way ■
Your questions answered
by the people who know
propane equipment.
8 Alabama Propane Gas Association | September / October 2021