Page 13 - QDigitz
P. 13

Q!Digitz                                         Vol 1            Aug 2019

                                                                 Where  many  organizations  hesitate  and  continue
      Managing                                                   with their on-premise IT System is also when they
                                                                 know  their  landscape  of  IT  well  and  then  not
      E ective                           Cloud                   having much clarity on Migration and what kind of
                                                                 outcome they can see with less pain.

      Migration  with  QA


        Cloud  will  cover  the  IT  world  soon,  with  60%
      global  market  growth  in  next  3  years  and  80%
      organization  to  move  to  cloud  by  2025(Reports
      from  Gartner  and  computer  world  UK).  Many
      organizations  have  principally  embraced  the
      cloud, but often there is one challenge ‘The Detail’.      Cloud service providers understand the problems
      Organizations  choose  cloud  for  multiple  reasons       and expectations of the organizations. Most of the
      including  data  center  reduction,  increase  global      top  service  providers  have  come  out  with  their
      presence,  need  of  processing  power,  cost  bene t,     own  migration  life-cycle  with  phases  and
      etc. As they move from principal agreement to the          deliverables  list.  They  start  from  an  initial
      evaluation  of  public  or  hybrid  cloud  service         assessment  to  the  tool  which  can  simplify  the
      providers and services they need, they have to get         migration  activities.  These  are  important  to  boost
      in to detail.                                              the  IT  team’s  con dence  in  the  Business
                                                                 Organizations. However, migration is not a simple
                                                                 process  even  with  current  level  of  capabilities,
                                                                 hence  a  stronger  life-cycle  based  phased
      The  details  include  the  various  applications,         approach can enable smoother migration.
      servers,   dependent    con gurations,    criticality,
      compliance,  users,  etc.  Getting  an  understanding
      of  their  own  IT  systems  and  their  criticality  takes
      adequate time. Then they need  to  prioritize  what
      applications or servers have to be moved to cloud
       rst. Which also involves who is the cloud service
      provider and what kind of migration support they
      will provide.

      Most  organizations  select  the  less  critical
      applications  that  often  need  changes  (ex:
      Websites,  etc)  and  then  get  comfort  towards
      migrating other applications or servers.

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