Page 21 - QDigitz
P. 21
Q!Digitz Vol 1 Aug 2019
After migration of infrastructure to a new Is there an agreement to have access to
vendor, would the existing CSP release the network level logs of the CSP?
IP’s? Agreement to investigate and collect
After potential termination of contract, forensic level data?
portability of data and metadata (for e.g. How are the IP’s released by the CSP? And
format of the output/extract from the how are they re-assigned?
vendor) and purging of data by the service SIEM (Security Incident and Event
provider. This data remanence poses a Management) like Firewall, IPS and IDS of the
higher security threat and auditor needs to CSP
double check the mechanisms enforced by CSP may collect syslog les. Has there been
the former CSP after release of data a risk assessment done to understand what
regarding storage media. all data is going in syslog les (like
The CSP should have agreed to and evidence authentication and authorization details).
clearing and the Sanitization approach used. The auditor needs to question the bank to
Auditor should refer to certi cates here understand the inventory of this data.
which speci cally mention Media Regular upkeep, patching, and hardening
Sanitization like NIST (800-88) guidelines processes used by CSP
ensuring the right compliance by CSP If this community CSP is hosting data of
The auditor can review the CSP’s data multiple banks, what preventive measures
destruction policy, if accessible. are taken to ensure Bank A cannot
intentionally / accidentally gain access to the
Security and Data Privacy - These forms the meat database of Bank B. These are technically
of the entire audit. Data security and privacy are achieved by logical isolation using the
core to any business having customers' sensitive hypervisor layer.
data, and banking quali es for extra scrutiny.
Access controls to the hypervisors
Whether the bank has access to a security audit Data Security
report of the CSP
We can further subdivide this critical topic into
We can segregate this topic in multiple areas as multiple arenas as below -
below –
Physical Security
What guarantees are provided by CSP to assure
the physical level security of data centers, storage,
and network resources?
Network Security