Page 24 - QDigitz
P. 24
Q!Digitz Vol 1 Aug 2019
Measuring Robotic Larger Context of
Process Measurements
Automation Before we do the deep dive in to RPA productivity,
let us understand how the evolution of
Productivity measurement varies over time with maturity. This
will set the context on to what extent we need to
address the challenge. Every new technology
upgrade, which can signi cantly impact the
Ecosystem of Human delivery of results are concentrated rst on
bots Coverage across, then as more areas already
started implementing we focus on Productiveness
measures and control measures, later move to
Often Companies are interested in knowing what Prediction and Improvement based measures,
is productivity when human and Bots Co-work then we move to Innovation or transformation
together. Shall we consider the bots as one human measures.
or shall we consider them as an equivalent of This is like a cycle in every time a new technology
many humans as they work longer than human or delivery model raises. So today the need is
working time? And some disagree and say the bot more to understand how much we apply RPA in
is faster than human so is that considered as our projects and is there a way we can say ROI is
super human equivalent. There is a genuine high as we expected. The resultant question to
interest in de ning the measure of productivity in support this is, What is the productivity of RPA and
the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) context. If how we can measure it. Th e question of a bot is
we try to understand more carefully the need is how many people is not exactly what the
not exactly to know how to I convert the bots to companies want to do, but to know when they will
human, but to derive e ectiveness or return on get ROI and how the RPA is helping in results.
Investment in the RPA exercise itself. Movement to more detail productivity measures is
not far away.
Productivity Gain
The context of projects where we apply RPA varies,
and it’s tough to have like-to-like comparison. The
simpler way to handle this problem is to compare
the e ort spend to do certain tasks with the known
level of quality and then after implementation of
RPA what is the level of e ort spent to do the same
task with same scope and to the same level of