Page 348 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 348
Is the inspection result normal?
YES>To step 3.
NO>Replace the fuse F29.
3 . Check intake heater relay A19.
04 (a) Ignition switch: OFF.
(b) Disconnect the battery negative cable.
(c) Open the engine compartment relay box and pull out the intake heater fuse A19.
(d) Check whether intake heater relay A19 is fusing or not.
Is the inspection result normal?
YES>To step 4.
NO> Replace intake heater relay A19.
4 . Check intake heater relay A19 circuit.
(a) Ignition switch: OFF.
(b) Disconnect the battery negative cable.
(c) Pull out the intake heater relay A19.
(d) Remove the intake heater harness A027.
(e) Disconnect connector A024 of ECM.
(f) Connect the battery negative cable.
(g) Ignition switch: ON.
(h) Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between the pin 3 of intake heater relay A19
and the ground.
Standard voltage
Multimeter connection pin Standard value
A19(3)-ground Battery voltage
(i) Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the pin 5 of intake heater relay
A19 and the pin 1 of intake heater harness A027 .
Standard resistance
Multimeter connection pin Standard value
A19(5)- A027(1) <2 Ω
(j) Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the pin 1, 2 of intake heater relay
A19 and the ground respectively.
Standard resistance
Multimeter connection pin Standard value
A19(5)- ground > 10 MΩ
(k) Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the pin 1, 2 of the intake heater
relay A19 and the pin 46, 21 of ECM connector A024respectively.
Standard resistance
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