Page 390 - Workshop Manual - Tunland (2017)
P. 390
Check the table below to find the cause of the problem. The numbers rank the possibility of
the causes. Check each part in this order and replace the part if necessary.
Defect phenomenon Suspect Area Reference
04 1. Fuse (damaged) -
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
2. Wiper switch (damaged)
inspection of wiper and washer
Front wiper does not
work 3. Wiper motor (damaged) Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
inspection of wiper and washer
4. Harness (broken circuit or
short circuit)
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
High-speed control cir- 1. Wiper switch (damaged)
cuit of front wiper is inspection of wiper and washer
open-circuited \ High- Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
2. Wiper motor (damaged)
speed control circuit of inspection of wiper and washer
front wiper is subject-
3. Harness (broken circuit or
ed to high current -
short circuit)
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
Low-speed control cir- 1. Wiper switch (damaged)
cuit of front wiper is inspection of wiper and washer
open-circuited \ Low- Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
2. Wiper motor (damaged)
speed control circuit of inspection of wiper and washer
front wiper is subject-
3. Harness (broken circuit or
ed to high current -
short circuit)
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
1. Wiper switch (damaged)
inspection of wiper and washer
2. Intermittent activator of wiper Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
(damaged) inspection of wiper and washer
Wiper does not work
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
3. Wiper motor (damaged)
inspection of wiper and washer
4. Harness (broken circuit or
short circuit)
1.Wiper arm (installed incorrect- Chapter 65 Wiper and washer –
ly ) replacement of wiper assembly
Wiper arm cannot re-
turn or is positioned Chapter 65 Wiper and washer -
2. Wiper motor (damaged)
incorrectly (wiper inspection of wiper and washer
switch is turned off)
3. Harness (broken circuit or
short circuit)
Chapter 65 Wiper and washer –
abnormal sound given 1. Worm (getting rusty or lack
replacement of connecting rod as-
by wiper of lubrication)
sembly of wiper