Page 3 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 3


       Build a library of educational resources to 1) highlight the value of PM donation 2) prepare
       clinicians and caregivers to discuss donation with families and 3) create a quality indicator
       formalizing the PM donation conversation as the standard of care for families.


 Increase PM tissue donations by 15% annually using the GFAC Tissue Navigator program.     CHANGING CULTURE: Nurture Not Coerce
       We can get frustrated when clinicians don’t make asking families about PM donation part of their end-of-life
       care. Our data shows only 1 in 5 families are approached by their clinicians. This year we advocated for
       establishing quality indicators at GFAC institutions, requiring clinicians to ask. Wake up call…
       we were failing to consider the clinician’s perspective!

       Many clinicians have told us while aimed at improving healthcare delivery, quality
       measures have had the unintended consequences of increasing administrative burden
       and compromising quality of care. Remember when doctors used to look at their patients
       rather than their computer screen?

       A better approach is to educate and support clinicians. We have pivoted from quality
       measures to developing a clinician coaching program with the aim that these amazing
       humans will make the PM conversation a standard part of their end-of-life care plan.

 This news is hot off the presses! Seattle   The Oscar Goes To...  Right Person, Right Spot
 Children’s Hospital has just joined the    Well, there is no Oscar but there are five new videos
 GFAC network as a Regional Center of   about PM donation that we’re putting
 Excellence (RCE). Drs. Sarah Leary    the finishing touches on! We’ll
 and Nick Vitanza will be the Principal   use these videos in nearly
 Investigators and Jeff Stevens the
 Tissue Navigator… what a team!    every aspect of our
 GFAC is strengthened by their    outreach and advocacy,
 Northwest location and reputation.  from presentations at         Nancy interviewing Dr. Michelle Monte
                                                                   and Lisa Ward at SNO conference
                                  conferences and divisional
                                  rounds to social media           Through the years, we have
                                  and a brand-new section          been astounded at how often
                                       of our website we’re        a need/challenge arises and
                                          developing               the right person mysteriously
                                             specifically for      appears ready to help (Michael,
                                              supporting           we know you have something to
                                               clinicians.         do with this!)
                                                Three of the       Enter Nancy Burnette Fowler, who has brought her
                                                videos are         decades experience in communication and videography
                                                directed           to work with us in developing our video tool kit. Film
                                                specifically       making is a collaborative art. Nancy conducted 17
     for providing financial support            to doctors.        interviews with doctors, researchers, TNs and parents
      to produce our video toolkit!                                and then sifted through hours of film creating many
                                                                   drafts for each title as she patiently and expertly
                                                                   worked with our team.
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