Page 6 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 6

Bridget moved to
       JUNIOR BOARD:                                                                                  rural Louisiana as
       Where Are They Now?                                                                            an Americorp Vista
                                                                                                      volunteer where she
       As an exercise in good grief, we started Swifty with Michael.  Creating                        spent three years at a
       the junior board ensured we would still get time with Michael’s closest                        workforce development
                                                                                                      organization. She
       friends and family. We could continue to nurture those relationships while                     now works in the big
       exposing the next generation to philanthropic work and hopefully its best                      city of Baton Rouge
                                                                                                      on an ACT Team
       practices. The junior board was the foundation of Swifty for the first six                     working to decrease
       years until they did that thing all kids do… they grew up! But they made                       hospitalizations and
                                                                                                      increase quality of life
       quite an impact while we had them.                                           BRIDGET GUSTAFSON   for people with severe
                                                                                    Current Governing
                                                                                    Board Member      mental illness.
       You may remember in 2015, Swifty was named the Ronald McDonald
       House Charities of Chicagoland Charity of the Year. With this honor came                       Ian met his fiancé,
       a $50,000 grant award to Swifty and a year-long mentoring program for                          Morgan, when they
                                                                                                      both were in Teach for
       the junior board. They were coached in donor relations, event promotion,                       America working in
       social media strategy and of course fundraising. Their hard work paid                          the MS Delta. After Ian
                                                                                                      attended Georgetown
       off; the Chicago Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals                       Law School, they
       awarded the junior board with its Youth in Philanthropy Award at a                             returned to MS and
                                                                                                      Ian is now an attorney
       luncheon held at the Chicago Hilton Hotel.                                                     at the non-profit law
                                                                                                      firm, the Mississippi
       We thought it would be fun to update you on where our junior board is now                      Center for Justice.
                                                                                                      They live on the coast
       and what they’re up to in the world.                                         IAN GUSTAFSON     in Ocean Springs.
                                                                                    Current Governing
                                                                                    Board Member

                          Bri lives in Chicago,                 Colin recently                        David lives in Des
                          IL surrounded                         married his high                      Moines, IA. In his
                          by her friends                        school sweetheart,                    3rd year of physical
                          and family! She                       Maddie. They live                     therapy school,
                          graduated nursing                     in Bellevue, WA                       he’s making a
                          school in 2020. She                   with their golden                     positive impact
                          previously worked                     retriever, Goose.                     on his patient’s
                          at Edward Hospital                    Colin works as a                      lives by helping
                          and now currently                     software engineer                     them improve their
                          works for a home                      for Microsoft. This                   strength, mobility,
                          health care agency                    happy family of three                 independence and
                          assisting patients                    spend their free time                 autonomy.
                          and families.                         hiking the trails of
       BRIANNA CARROLL                        COLIN HASSETT     the great Northwest.  DAVID MCHUGH

                          Justin is living in                   Kevin is in his senior                Kira is in her final
                          Los Angeles, CA                       year in industrial                    year of medical
                          and working in the                    engineering at                        school and is
                          Risk Consulting                       Purdue University.                    currently applying
                          Practice at Grant                     An entrepreneur,                      to residency in
                          Thornton. In                          he started Windy                      pediatrics! She’s
                          his spare time,                       City Woodwinds,                       excited to continue
                          he volunteers                         a saxophone                           her journey toward
                          with Junior                           mouthpiece company                    becoming a pediatric
                          Achievement and                       providing value-                      oncologist and
                          the Regional Food                     driven and student-                   hopefully making
                          Bank. He also loves                   accessible products                   Michael’s dream
                          playing golf with                     in an industry known                  come true.
       JUSTIN AZZARO      friends.            KEVIN BRANER      for its high costs.  KIRA COUCH
                                                                                    Current Governing
                                                                                    Board Member
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