Page 4 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 4


           OBJECTIVE #3:

           Develop a strategic network of key partners across the pediatric brain cancer community
           to increase awareness of GFAC.

       Making a Great Relationship Even Better

       One reason brain tumors are the leading cause of death by disease is no single hospital sees enough
       children nor research lab has enough tissue specimens to conduct the research necessary to make
       significant progress toward cures. To solve this problem, the Children’s Brain Tumor Network
       (CBTN) has eliminated traditional walls that separate institutions allowing for greater collaboration.
       This is why CBTN has been a strategic partner since Swifty began working on Michael’s Master
       Plan in 2016. Well, we are delighted to report, our partnership just got a whole bunch stronger.

       In the fall of 2022, Swifty formalized our partnership with CBTN whereby our organization’s respective
       leadership teams are now working side by side to shape the future of Gift from a Child. The GFAC circle
       of influence and impact has already grown exponentially! Here are some of the ways:

       1.   CBTN Observational Research Study – GFAC has        3.   Oversight and innovation – CBTN leadership
          become part of an observational feasibility clinical      is joining us when we make our annual grant
          research study arm of the CBTN. Becoming an official      evaluations. Most importantly, they are working
          part of the study will increase awareness, education,     directly with our Regional Centers of Excellence to
          training, and PM collections across the 32 children’s     strengthen GFAC impact.
          hospitals that make up CBTN.                          4.   Tissue Navigator Manager – As our regional centers
       2.   Keeping Parents Informed – The sophistication of        expand in number, we’re in talks with CBTN about a
          CBTN’s bio-repository and databanks will give us a        new position…stay tuned!
          much improved platform for keeping parents informed
          about what is happening with their child’s donation.

       SWIFTY SPOTLIGHT: Jena Lily                                   A Mighty Force for Change

                  Jena Lilly is the Executive Director of CBTN       It is a sad truth that DIPG/DMG, a diagnosis with
                      and the Director of Operations and             nearly no hope of survival, is the tumor type
                         Strategic Planning for the Center
                           for Data Driven Discovery (D3b)           our GFAC team facilitates most. The DIPG DMG
                            in Biomedicine. Currently, she           Research Funding Alliance (DDRFA), fueled by
                             leads a team of over 90 people in       62 foundations and families is committed to
                             support of international pediatric      launching the patient driven One Link Data Hub.
                             oncology research consortiums           GFAC has been invited to be part of One Link
                             which combined, include over 30         Data Hub to make the choice of PM donation
                            pediatric hospitals.                     available to their families. These pioneering
                                                                     data hubs put patients at the center of the
                         We are thrilled to have Jena as a           healthcare system
                      partner as we grow GFAC’s reach across         by empowering
                 the country. One of Jena’s great skills (one of
       many!) is sitting at a brainstorm session and creating an     them with
       action plan out of the cascade of ideas. She brings focus,    control over
       a scientific mind, a great intellect and dedication to the    their own
       families and children we are serving.                         clinical data.
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