Page 7 - Swifty Impact Report Sept 2023
P. 7

Matt graduated from                    Shannon is an                         Meredith just moved
                          Purdue in 2022.                        Engagement                            to NY, NY. She is
                          He now works as a                      Director for Cigna                    entering her third
                          mechanical engineer                    Healthcare in                         and final year of
                          with Eastman                           Chicago. Shannon                      law school! After
                          Chemical in eastern                    and her new                           graduation, she will
                          TN. In his free time,                  husband just                          be clerking for a NJ
                          he enjoys walking                      bought their first                    Superior Court Judge
                          dogs at the local                      home. In her free                     in Union County for
                          shelter and hiking                     time, she takes                       one year. During her
                          in the Appalachian                     care of their 2 crazy                 clerkship, she hopes
                          Mountains.                             kittens and spends                    to discover whether
                                                                 time at their family                  she would prefer
       MATTHEW BRANER                         SHANNON BRAULT                        MEREDITH CONWAY
                                                                 lake house.                           to practice civil or
                                                                                                       criminal litigation.

                          Meg lives in                           Mica is entering                      Mikey's dog Oscar
                          Naperville, IL. Her                    her third year of                     who was an honorary
                          main focus is being a                  law school at the                     member.
                          mom to 2 little boys                   University of Chicago.
                          but picks up shifts                    She and Bridget
                          as an Oncology RN                      launched Swifty's
                          at the cancer center                   cancer prevention
                          where Mikey was                        series in 2021. She will
                          treated. She’s always                  be moving to Dallas
                          reminded of his                        to start her career
                          Master Plan and her                    as a Corporate and
                          special relationship                   Securities attorney
                          with her sweet silly                   after graduation in
       MEG ROETTER        cousin.             MICA BECKMANN      the spring.        OSCAR

       SCENES FROM 2015 -2017

                      OSCAR MANAGING
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