Page 5 - The Cardinal - Winter 2021
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Department News
Business Office
Southside ISD Earns State’s Highest Fiscal Accountability Rating
Southside ISD received a rating of
“A” for Superior Achievement under
the Texas School FIRST (Financial
Accountability Rating System of Texas)
Financial accountability rating system.
The “Superior Achievement” rating is
the TEA’s highest, demonstrating the
quality of Southside ISD’s financial
management and reporting system.
The primary goal of School FIRST is
to achieve quality performance in the
management of the school district’s financial these results cost-effectively and efficiently.”
resources. “We are very pleased with The Southside ISD Business Department is led by Mr.
Southside ISD’s School FIRST rating,” said Stanley Osborne, CFO, and his team of seventeen
Southside ISD Superintendent Rolando staff members. The department includes the Finance
Ramirez. “This rating demonstrates that our and Federal programs Divisions, Payroll, Purchasing,
district is making the most of our taxpayers’ and PIEMS, among several other areas. The team is
dollars. In addition, this rating shows that a proud and devoted group of professionals who see
Southside’s schools are accountable not only their work as serving the students of Southside
for student learning but also for achieving and the community taxpayers.
these results cost-effectively and efficiently.”
Maintenance & Operations
Robert Gutierrez and Efraim Herrera, left to right, set up Johnny Flores, bottom, with Robert Gutierrez and Efraim Herrera
sound board for Feast of Giving setting up stage for Feast of Giving
At all of our events here at Southside, we have Southside ISD appreciates everything that they do for
a few heroes on our campuses that deserve our community, students, and staff. Without them, the
recognition. The maintenance and operations team many celebrations that we host would not be possible.
has been a constant source of stability that is much As the team continues their work with us, SISD will
needed at every event that we host here at SISD. continue to fully support our employees as they support
Whether it is displaying our glowing S at the our students and the district.
Lighting of the S Parade or setting up the stage and
sound system at our Feast of Giving, 5