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Department News

           Federal Programs

              GEAR UP Visits Baylor University for College Readiness

        In November, GEAR          college options,
        UP students spent          preparation, and financial
        their holiday visiting     information that is
        Baylor University.         necessary for students to
        Students learned about     be successful in a higher
        the college’s history,     education environment.
        academic, and scholarship   Exemplary Cardinal
        opportunities. An          VIP behavior was
        important inclusion to     demonstrated when one
        Southside ISD, GEAR        of Baylor’s computer
        UP is a remarkable         engineering professors
        program for students       invited out students to
        to prepare for their       return for the inauguration
        academic and financial     of his STEM lab. The        GEAR UP students seated in front of the Judge Baylor Statue,
        careers. Additionally, this   program hopes to return to   at Baylor University.
        program offers resources   Baylor University in the
        for parents to learn about
                                   near future.

            Child Nutrition                                   As the nation       Transportation
                                                              struggles with
                                                              bus driver
                                                              14 passenger
                                                              buses can help
                                                              reduce some
                                                              of the issues
                                                              by assigning
                                                              drivers to
                                                              carry less than
        Child Nutrition (CN)                                  14 students. The
        eliminated food waste      meals students can         Southside Transportation  and Southside’s smaller
        with slushies! CN started  now count one serving      Department received       athletic teams, these
        offering healthy 100% fruit of fruit as a slushie.    three new 14-passenger    buses are an essential
        based slushies, with no    These nutritious           school buses.  These      asset to the district.
        sugar added, and fortified  drinks will be served     buses are fully equipped  While there is no
        with Vitamins A,C,& D.     at the Secondary           with stop signs, yellow   requirement for a Class B
        Staff noticed fresh fruits   schools in a variety     warning lights, and red   CDL licensing, Southside
        often ended up in the trash  of flavors including     lights that allow students  ISD will still be requiring
        and started searching for   cherry, strawberry        to board safely. Assisting  annual physicals and
        ideas to fix this issue. In   lemonade, cherry cola,   people with special needs, Region 20 bus driver
        addition to the healthy    and much more.             the homeless population,  certification courses.

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