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Campus News
Menchaca Early Childhood Center
For the fourth
consecutive year,
Menchaca Early
Childhood Center
was nominated as
an Outstanding
Early Childhood
Facility as part of the
H-E-B Excellence in MECC student waves to crowd at Teacher of the Year Nominees walk the track at
Education Awards. Lighting of the S parade walk. Lighting of the S parade, with Principla Herrera.
The Early Childhood
Award is intended to help public and private schools new sensory routes this year that assist students to
that specialize in the care and education of children improve neural connections, balance, and gross motor
under the age of five. The award’s goal is to provide skills while also providing a mechanism for children
assistance in developing or improving Kinder experiencing high emotions to de-escalate through
Readiness programs that equip children to start self-regulation. For us, the H-E-B award emphasizes
Kindergarten socially and intellectually prepared the value of early childhood education. Here in
to learn. The Menchaca team is passionate about Southside, we’re laying the groundwork for the next
what they do. While their passion for their kids generation of learners, and H-E-B’s recognition
propels them ahead, it is their skill, knowledge, of how critical this is means the world. We want
and unwavering devotion to their students that has our students’ achievements to follow them from
catapulted their work to new heights. MECC has kindergarten through college and beyond.
Gallardo Elementary
Southside Mom Becomes
2nd Grade Teacher
For years, single teacher. Today, Ms.
mom Sandy Freidberg Freidberg is enjoying
supported her three her first year as a
children by working as second grade teacher
a Zumba instructor. She at Gallardo Elementary
had fun in her role, but School. “I want
had always been drawn parents to know they
to education. As a parent, can achieve anything
Ms. Freidberg served on they set their mind to
the District Education doing,” she said in her
Improvement Committee classroom. “Life can be
and also chaired the hard. I know that first
District’s School Health hand. However, I quit
Advisory Council. making excuses and I’m
Well into her forties, Ms. not stopping until I earn
Feidberg obtained her my doctorate!”
bachelor’s degree and
A second grade student Students swarm around teacher became a certified
presents his homework for Sandy Freidberg and show
review to Ms. Freidberg. affection with a group hug.