Page 13 - 2021cardinalmagazineFINALACT
P. 13

Southside Hosts First Feast of Giving with

                                            Amazing Results

          More than 3,000 community         thank you to the City of San      It was evident that all the
          members joined Southside          Antonio Parks and Recreation      campuses and departments
          ISD for the first-ever Feast of   Department who lent us            helped make this event a success.
          Giving on November 17th.  It      the stage for free. District 3    Special thanks to Child Nutrition
          was all hands on deck from the    Councilwoman Phyllis Viagran      for preparing all of the meals;
          staff and administrators for the   was able to make sure the stage  our Police Department for the
          Cardinal Nation. While families   was delivered in time for our     supervision and traffic control;
          and friends enjoyed a turkey      kids and had some special words  our Maintenance/Custodial staff
          dinner with all the trimmings the  of kindness and encouragement  for setting up and cleaning up
          parking lot next to the stadium   to share with our families.       afterward;  our Executive Team
          was filled with families enjoying                                   for coordinating the event; and
          student-run concession and game  The SISD Communications            our Board of Managers for
          booths and performances from      Department was able to break in  helping serve the meals.
          every campus at Southside.        its new sound system just in time
                                            to hear poetry readings, dance    Check out more photos of
          A special thanks to all the       performances, and singing from  the event on the website at
          departments who helped keep       our students.                       it.
          the lights and music playing and

       Pictured above are the highlights from the Feast of Giving, featuring our students in their many performances.

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