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Southside ISD Embraces New Tradition:

                                     Lighting of the S Parade

     Southside ISD’s first       Cardinal Pride! With the      Check out our website,
     Lighting of the S parade    stadium full and each, for photos
     went off without a hitch!   campus having several         of the even and a video
     A newly established SISD  groups participating in the     made in the event’s honor!
     tradition, the event will   parade, you could feel the
     continue each year to       electricity in the stadium.
     allow our students to feel   Elizabeth Rodriguez, a
     pride in their schools and   parent who was there to see
     their education. Many       her daughter participate in
     of our students were        one of the many sporting
     able to show off their      events, said “it was
     extracurricular activities,   beautiful,” and that she
     and our SHS Seniors took  enjoyed the traditional
     one last lap around the     feeling of the parade.       Brandon Robinson, Lighting of The S emcee, congratulates
     track to demonstrate their                               football event winner.

      Pictured above are the highlights from our Lighting of the S Parade, featuring our

      students and staff in their various activities and groups!

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