Page 15 - 2021cardinalmagazineFINALACT
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Southside ISD Among State’s Top 3 for

                                         Bilingual Education

        Southside ISD continues to be      they did. “Our teachers have also  continuing on to say that she
        recognized for the outstanding     done a phenomenal job at not      knows that the TELPAS award is
        work of our students. On           only building relationships with   something that they worked hard
        October 25th, SISD’s bilingual     their students but also with the   to achieve.
        program, headed by Adriana         parents, which during COVID       Along with the district, six
        Bermea, was recognized for         became reinforced and because of  of our campuses, Losoya
        its gains in regards to our        these relationships, our students   and  Matthey Middle Schools,
        district TELPAS scores and         were able to do so well,” said    Freedom, Heritage, Pearce, and
        the growth demonstrated by         Ms. Bermea. SISD congratulates  Gallardo Elementary Schools,
        our students in their efforts to   these teachers for all of the work  were recognized for their
        attain English competency. We      they do for their students and    growth in English proficiency.
        were awarded first place in the    appreciates what they’ve done for  Congratulations to our bilingual
        English Language Proficiency       our community.                    students and teachers. SISD will
        Growth category, where we          Bilingual teacher, Gabriela Rios,  continue to support all of our
        scored 26 points higher than       is thrilled to be recognized for the  students on their path to academic
        the previous year. The Texas       work that they have done. “The    success, along with their hard work
        English Language Proficiency       bilingual services are amazing at  of learning the English language.
        Assessment System (TELPAS)         SISD… we are so proud,”
        is the state’s assessment of how
        well students are able to acquire
        English language skills. Learning
        how to listen, speak, read, and
        write in English for all of our
        students is an important goal
        that SISD wishes to achieve, in
        order to help them prepare for
        further education. SISD is proud
        to acknowledge our students and
        their journey in learning English.
        The TELPAS system is an
        important part of how our staff is
        able to help students in their goal
        to acquire their second language.
        According to Ms. Bermea,           Bilingual Studies administrators, left to right, Melissa Martinez, Adriana Bermea,
        “...putting data at the forefront   Joey Martinez, and Gino Franceshi.
        assists teachers in knowing
        where their students are in their
        language acquisition.” When
        teachers are able to target the
        subjects that a class is struggling
        in, it creates an efficient learning
        environment.  This allows
        students and teachers to build a
        relationship based on education
        and trust. This relationship
        between teachers and parents
        is what allowed our students to    Gabriela Rios’s students studying in their Bilingual class.
        make the gains

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